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Ogden (Utah); Salt Lake City (Utah); Salt Lake County (Utah); Springville (Utah); Boston (Massachusetts); Christian Endeavor Society (Salt Lake City, Utah); Bible. N.T. Matthew XXIII, 25-28--Criticism, interpretation, etc.; Bible. O.T. Psalms LI, 6-10--Criticism, interpretation, etc.; Psychology and religion; Temperance; Senior Society of Christian Endeavor (Salt Lake City, Utah); First Presbyterian Church (Salt Lake City, Utah); Westminster Presbyterian Church (Salt Lake City, Utah); Presbyterian Church (Salt Lake City, Utah); Presbyterian Church--Utah--Salt Lake City; Presbyterians--Utah--Salt Lake City; First Congregational Church (Salt Lake City, Utah); Phillips Congregational Church (Salt Lake City, Utah); Congregational Church (Salt Lake City, Utah); Congregational Church--Utah--Salt Lake City; Congregationalists--Utah--Salt Lake City; East Side Baptist Church (Salt Lake City, Utah); Baptist Church (Salt Lake City, Utah); Baptist Church--Utah--Salt Lake City; Baptists--Utah--Salt Lake City; Utah Christian Endeavor Convention (Ogden, Utah); Rio Grande Western Railway Company; Junior Society (Ogden, Utah); Christian Endeavor Society (Ogden, Utah); Salt Lake Local Union (Salt Lake City, Utah); Young Men's Christian Association (Salt Lake City, Utah); George M. Scott and Company |
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Show THE CHURCH REVIEW. <br><br> Christian Endeavor Dep't. <br> EDITED BY CHAS. T. HAWKES. <br> [Contributions to this department will be welcomed at any time, and should be seat to the above, care Geo. M. Scott & Co., before Tuesday morning of each week.] <br><br> Prayer Meeting Topic For Today. <br> "Pure thoughts, pure words, pure deeds." Matt. 23: 25-28; Ps. 51: 6-10. <br> For the Juniors: "How can we keep pure our thoughts, words and deeds." Ps. 51: 6-10. <br> [Temperance meetings suggested] <br> "Strictly pure" has become a very common expression in the mercantile world. Even whiskey and cigarette dealers have the effrontery to advertise their nefarious business with the statement that their wares are absolutely pure. Manufacturers and merchants well understand that the people now-a-days will accept nothing impure, whatever inducements are offered. <br> No more will God accept the proffered sacrifice of our lives unless it is accompanied with Christ-like purity even to its innermost recesses. Only "the pure in heart shall see God," therefore "keep thy heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life." <br> Evil thoughts enter the mind and influence the actions, seemingly without effort on our part, but it takes the courage of a Joseph and the fixed purpose of a Daniel to resolutely bar the door against everything that defiles. "One of the best defenses against impurity is to be busy, to have the mind pre-occupied with good things," and thus crowd out the bad. <br> Impurity in anything pertaining to either the spiritual or the physical life is to be shunned us the evil one, for although God can blot out the darkest stain, memory is imperishable. <br><br> A Senior Society. <br> Wednesday evening, March 13th, a new society was organized in the First Presbyterian church of Salt Lake City: a Senior Society of Christian Endeavor. This we believe is the tenth society of its kind in the United States and the fourteenth in all the world. The new organization starts off with twenty-five charter members. A constitution and by-laws were adopted and the following officers elected: President, Mrs. R. G. McNeice; Vice president T. L. Thomas; Secretary, Dr. E. V. Silver; Treasurer, Mrs. Wm. Igleheart. The Wednesday evening prayer meeting will be their special charge. <br> When a society increases to such proportions that there is not opportunity for every one to take part in the prayer meeting it is the younger and more backward members who suffer. They hesitate to express opinions or to give their religious experiences when there are so many others ready to occupy the time and shrink from accepting positions of responsibility, or serving upon important committees. On the other hand the older members, while deeply deploring this state of affairs, have come to love the society and would very much regret to sever their connection with it. In such a case, the formation of a Senior society is a happy solution of the problem, and does justice to all. The maturer members will there have full swing for the exercise of all their powers, leaving the rest of the original society unrestrained in striving for the attainment of fully developed and well rounded Christian characters. We wish them great success in their new venture. <br><br> Convention Notes and Suggestions. <br> "Are you going?" Where? <br> To Ogden for the annual convention. <br> When is it? April 2nd and 3rd. <br> Bring out the Juniors in full force. <br> The First Presbyterian society of Salt Lake have elected forty delegates. <br> We must have a hundred delegates from Salt Lake to secure the special train. <br> Bring with you as many copies of Gospel Hymns No 6, as you can get, also your voice. <br> Copies of the "Advance program" have been sent to every society in the territory. <br> The Rio Grande Western Railway Co. have promised to decorate our special with streamers. <br> Study the subjects for conference, and the topics, and then come to the convention with some new thoughts to present. <br> Make an appropriation for the expenses of the convention and bring the money with you to Ogden. Five cents a member is suggested as the proper amount. <br> One of the features of the Junior convention will be the reports from the societies. A two minute talk is expected from a member of every society represented, on the topic, "What we do in our society." Junior Superintendents are asked to appoint some one to take this part and see to it that they go to Ogden. <br><br> Preparing for the Convention. <br> The report of the mass meeting of the Salt Lake Local Union was crowded out of last week's REVIEW. It was held in the Central Christian church Saturday evening, March 9th. President, J. B. Caldwell outlined the work the Local Union is doing through its various committees. Pres. Caskey and Secretary Tolles of the Territorial Union then gave the latest news concerning the coming convention; the former explaining the special features of the advance program and the latter speaking on the outlook for the convention at that time; while the preparation necessary for the best results, both as respecting individuals and societies, was treated of by volunteers from the audience. On motion of Rev. Mr. Clay a committee was appointed to get up a suitable banner to be presented yearly, by the union, to the society having the largest proportion of its membership present at the convention. <br><br> A CONVENTION SOCIAL without a bit of conventionality is what the social committee of the Salt Lake union succeeded in accomplishing at the First Congregational church the other evening. The attendance was large and representative and everybody talked convention. During the close of the evening's sociability a most tempting lunch was spread in the dining room. All will agree that its main purpose was well carried out, and from the interest now manifested a large delegation is assured from Salt Lake. <br> An enthusiastic meeting was held at Springville on Saturday evening, March 16, Messrs. Harry N. Tolles and J. B. Caldwell went down from Salt Lake City and appear to have aroused considerable interest in the coming convention. <br> Still another preparatory meeting. The Baptists and Presbyterians of the west side held a union meeting on Tuesday evening last in the Westminster Presbyterian church Salt Lake City. <br><br> Salt Lake Announcements. <br> The Union Meeting committee desire to announce a union prayer meeting which will be held in the First Presbyterian church on Monday, April 1st, the night before the convention begins. <br> The executive committee of the union will meet as usual on the last Tuesday evening of the month, Y. M. C. A. rooms March 26th, 7:30 p. m. <br> The editor of this department has been named as Utah transportation agent for the Boston '95 convention, and will endeavor to give all information concerning rates, etc., as soon as decided on. <br> The East Side Baptist society have invited the Phillips Congregational and the Central Christian societies to meet with them in a union prayer meeting this evening at 6:30. Special prayer will be made for the Lord's blessing on the Territorial convention. <br><br> |