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Show Ritilway Company has not as yet filed maps of the location of its line through the Uintah and Uncompahgre Reservation, in Utah, under its right of way grant, act of Maroh 3,1887 (34 Stat., 548), reference to which was made in, the last two annual reports of this office. No in-formation has been received as to whether the surveys have been corn. pleted. Devil's Lake Reservation, Dak.-In the last annual report it was stated that a bill had been prepared in this office and was then pend-ing in the Senate (No. 1228) granting the right of way to the James-town and Northern Railroad Company through the Devil's Lake Reser. vation, in Dakota, upon the terms aud conditions named in an agree-ment made by that company with theDevil7s Lake Sioux in 1883 ; that the road had been constructed and in operation since 1885, andthat the Indians were urgent in their demands that the compensation provided for in said agreement should be paid to them. No finalaction has been taken by Congress in the matter, and the delay is causing much dissat-isfaction among the Indians. It is to be%oped that the necessary leg-islation will he reached at an early day. Lake TraverseRese~t~atioDna, k.-No final action appears to have been taken by Coi~gress upon the bill to ratify an agreement made in 1884 with the Siss.etou-and Wahpetou bands of Sioux forright oE way through the Lake Traverse Reserve, in Dakota, for the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway, to which reference was made in the liast ann~zal re-port. As has been before urged, it is very desirable that this agreement ehonld be ratified. Red P@entrme Reservation, Minn.-Tbe bill (H. R. 10706) granting the right of way to the Cedar Rapids, Iowa Falls and Northwestern Railway through the Red Pipestone Reservation, in Minne'sota, to which reference was made in the last annual report of this ofEce, did not become a law j but other legislation was substituted therefor, men-tion of whioh has already been made in another part of this report, and the action taken thereunder fully set forth. Walker River Reservation, Nev.-No final action has been taken by Congress upon the bill submitted to that body for the fourth time to ratify a certairl agreement with the Indians of the Walker River Reser-vation, in Nevada, for the right of way to the Carson and Oolorado Railroad Company through said reservation, to whioh reference was made in the last annuil report. Yalcima.Reseruation, Wash.--No final action has yet been taken by Congress upon the bill to accept and ratify an agreement made Jannarx 13,1885, with the Indians of the Yakima Reservatioo, for the relin-quishment of their title to so much of their reserve as is required for the use of the Northern Pacific Railroad, and to make the necessary appro-priation& for carrying the same into effect. Thie bill has twice been snb-mitted to Congress, and, as was stated in the annual report of list year, the India& are constantl~u rging a settlement under their agreement. |