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Show REPORT OF AQEiYT IN UTAH. tihe underpinning badly decaged, which has caused the house to settle eonsiherably. In fact, d l the buildings here sreold and dilapidated; many of them leak and are scarcely habitable in bad weather. The grist-mill was built about thirty yesrs ago, and is very much out of repsir, the Indians often being obliged to go to t'rineville or Tygh Valley, adistnnoe of 40 miles,. to get their grinding done. The present season having been a very unusually dry one, they have hot rery little wheat to grind. I find that they haye never gitan much attention to irrigation. By making n few ditches, taking out the water from Shitike Creek or Warm Springs River, their crops could be secured howerer dry the season mighl be. This i shall endeavor to have done next year. There is also a great scarcity of water at the Sinemasho school. Doring the greater part of the summer water has been hauled there by teams a djstaneeof 3 miles, and was of an interior quality. It is of great imporlance that wella should be dog or pipes .laid to furnish an abundant supply of good water fbr the purposes of the school there. During my short stay here I have seen oornpikratively few of the Indiana belonging to the reservation, as a very large proportion ol them are absent iu the Willametta Valley, being largely emplo.yed in tbat section hop pickers. Their crops having provedalmost a complete faiiurs this year, they ham beenootllpelled to resort toother ways and means lor gaining a subsistence forthe coming winter, and havegoue to the hop yards inlarger numbers than ever before. Owing to the absen~eo f so many Indians of all ages the school has been greatly re-duced in numbers, and it would be difficult for me to writewilh aoythin::likeaecuracy of the workbeing done there. The school buildings need rnang repairs and the school. roams should be enlarged and improved in ordertoget the heatresults. The employ6s, so far as I have been able to judge, are doing good w-rk in their respeetisedepartments. I shall eudeaver to make fuller and more complete reports herealter, when I have had more time to inform myaelf as to affairs oo thia reservstioo. I find from eensun taken by Agent D. W. Butler, my predecessor, to ha ss follows: W&mm Springs, 413; Wa?coes, 252; Tenniors, 71; .John Days, 611; Piutss, 67; milking a total of e55. Total number of Indian children of school age, lij.,, The sllotment of lands was commenced last winter by Special Agent H. J. Minthorn, but was noteampleted, lands being allotted to the Waseoes, Tenninoa, andPiutes; there being no lands allotted to the Warm Springs and John Days on acwunt of the northem boundary line of the reservation being under dispute, but now as the line is definitely located by the snthoritg of the Secretary of the Interior I expect that the work will be taken up and finished this coming winter. There are about 111 familieslising on lands allotted to them, and 104 eflgqetl inagriculture or other civilized pursuits., Very respectfully, your obedient servant, . J. C. LUCKEY, Unired 23alales Indian Agent. The COXMISSIONEORP INDIAAPNR AIRS. REPORT OF AQENT IN UTAH. REPORT OF UINTAH AND OURAY AGENCY. UINTAH AKD OUBAY AGENCY, White Rocks, Utah, Sqlember 1, 1889. SIR: I herewith transmit my annual report of these agencies,. with accompanying statistics. UINTAH AGENCY. The Uiniah Agency was consolidnted with the Oorag Agency July 1, 1886, the head-quarters being at Uintah Agency, wltich ia situated on the IJintah River, about 100miles north of Price, a station on the Denser and Rio GrandeRailway, ahaot 170 miles east of Salt Lake City. The reservation contains over 2,000,000 acres of land, which is well watered by the Uintah and Du Chesne Riversand their tribntsries, and wntainsalsrge acreage of fertile lands, more thansufficient for the wi~ntaoft he Indians. The elevation. of this agency abovesea-level is 6,130 feet. lttrlin,~r on the rearnotion.-This'reservationis occupied by two tribes of the Ute N8- tion, known as the Uintcth Ute8 and the White River Utes. It was originally set apart for the Uiotsh Utes and was occupied by them many years ago. The White Rivers were brought here in 18HO after the Meeker massacre. |