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Show mnces zo any Indian, oolesa anoh advances are made with the arritten approval of the fermar in charge of the reservation to which the Indian belongs. (6) In ease the amonnt due any Indisn at the clone of the logging season exceeds the sum of $300, the mntrsotor will te requirad to pay the amount so due to the bnited States Indian agent for deposit in some national hank to the credit of the In-dian to whom it is due, with condition that the money is to he drawn out only upon check aikned by nuoh Indian, and counter~igned by the United States Indian agent, unlesaapeoial exception he made by the Indian Oflice. (7) All contracts must be in form ss prescribed by the Indian moo, and all provis-ions thereof, including that which requires the employment of Indian labor on equal terms, whenever suitable, will he strictly enforced. (8) Approvalof any oontraot will be subject to theforegoing rulesand regulations., These rules and regulations are designed to meet the views of the hnate Committee on Indian Traders, as expressed in the following res-olution adopted August 10,1888 : I That noforther sale8 from pill8 timber from allotted lands should be allowed until aftar role8 and regulations specifioelly and nccorately dc6ning and prescribing the terrhs and oonditions of such sdes, and adequately protecting the Indians both dnlr ing %he making and the performance of the contracts, and in the disposition of *he money reoeived from such contracts, have been adopted by the S?eretary of the In-terior and publicly promulgated. In the event of the approval of fheese rules and regulations by the ' Department, it is not expected that any very extensive operations will be conducted during the coming season, as but little timber is left on the allotted lands. The question of the disposition of the timber on the unallotted lands of these reservations, as well. as the disposition of the lauds themselves, is an important question that should be considered during the oomiug session of Congress, with a view to snoh legislation as may be required t o secure the greatest benefit to the Indians. The correspondence on file and of record in this office upon the sub-ject' of timber operations at the La Pointe Agency, from their com-mencement in 1882 to February 9,1889, will be found in the report of the Senate Committee on I n d i ~ nTr aders. [Senate Report No. 2710, Fif-tieth Congress, second session.] Green Bny Agency.-At thetime thelast annual reportofthis ~ f f i ewea s submitted to the Department the honorable Secretary had refused to al-low Indians to market dead anddown.timberfmm reservations the title to which is in the United States, basing his action on an opinion of the Attorney-General that such logging was not authorized by existing law. In that report it was stated that the necessary steps would be taken at an early day to bring the matter to the attention of Congress, so that legal authority might be obtained for the marketing of - this grade of timber from all Indian reservations established by law. ' Therefore, under the date of January 7, 1889, a full report was made by,this office to the Department explaining the circumstances' of the Meuomonees, their past logging operations, the excellent nse they' had hitherto made of the proceeds, their dependence on the sale of |