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Show 1 REPORT OF TEE COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. 21 necessary, 'whioh sum shall be expended, under the direotion of the Secretary of the Interlor, for procuring the aaaent of the Sioox Indiana to tius act provlded in seation 27. The last clause of section 3 of the Indian appropriation act of March 2,1889 (25 Stat., 1002), reads as follows : The President of the United States is hereby suthorieerl and empowered toappoint three commissioners for the purpose of enteriog into negotiasioiona and agreements with the Sioux Indiana ocuopying the Great Sioox Resewation in Dakota for a full and oomp:ete cession and relinguishment to the United States of ;a portion of their reservation, and to divide the remainder into separate reservatious, and auoh agree-ments, when made, to be by them sribmitted to the first seasion Fifty-faat Cwgreea for ratifioation, and to osrry out tlnsprovision thesuw of twentyfive thousaind dallms, or s a mnoh thereof as may be found necessary, to be expended nnder the direat~ono f the Secretary of the Interior, is berebg appropriated, this amount to he immediately available: Prozrided, That the pax of such cornmissionera shall not exceed ten dollmrs per dsy, exolusivs of traveling expenses. Under this latter provision of law, Hon. Charles Foster, of Fostoria, Ohio, Hon. William Warner, of Eansas City, Mo., and Maj. Gen. George Crook, U. 8. Army, were appointed by the President a commission to negotiate with the Sioux for the purpose therein provided. The instructions for this commission were prepared in this Office, and, after they had been approved by the Secretary of the Interior, were transmitted to the said commission, which entered npon its duties in the latter part of May last. The commissioners have been successful in negotiating an agreement whereby the Indians relinquish their title to a large portion of the great Sioux Reservatiou, but the report of the result of their labors has not been received in this office. Cmr d7Aldne Re8ernation.-The fonrth section of the Indian appro. priation act of March 2, 1889 (25 Stat., 1002), provides as follows: Thit the Secretary of the Interior be, and be is hereby, authorized sod directed to negotiate with the Cmnr d'Al6ne tribe of Indians for the pnrchsse and releane by said tribe of such,portions of its mervation not agrioultural, and vnloshle chiefly for minerals and timber, as such tribe shall eansent to sell, on ~ n c hte rms and oondi-tioosss+ mll beconsidered just audequitable betweenthellnited States snd said tribe of Indians, whicbpurohase shallnot beoompletenntilratified by Congress, and for the purpose of sueh negotiation the sum of two thouasnd dollsr8, or so muob thereof os may he necessary, is hereby appropriated out of soy money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the motion of the Secretary of the Interior hereunder to be reported to Congress at the earliest practioablo time. The Secretary: by letter of May 31, 1889, appointed Gen. Benjamin Simpson, of Selma, Ala.; Eon. John II. Shnpe, of Oakland, Oreg., and Napoleon B. Humphrey, esq, of Albany, Oreg., a commission to wndnct the negotiations with the Cmur d7A16ne Indians in accordance with the provisions of said act. Instructions were tran~mittedto the wmmission July 3, 1889. Councils with the Indians were held in August last and as a result |