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Show .BEPOET OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN A F F ~ B . 9 ! ernment.for that purpose. At Pierre a brick building to iccouimodate ninety pupils is now in course of erection. The site accepted for the Ne-vada school is 8 miles from Carson City. The new building, for which plans have been prepared and bids asked, will, with buildings alread~ donated with the site, provide for ninety pupils. A building for a new training school at Santa FB, N. Mex., is in course of erection, for which Congress, at its last session, appropriated $6,000 to supplement an ap. .. propriation of $25,000 made in 18%. It will accommodate one hnn-dred and forty pupils. Under special provision of the Indian appropriation bill for *.he cnr-rent fiscal year, the Government has purchased for $10,000 the baild- . . iugs and improvements a t Keam7s Carion, Ariz. For t y o years past some of these buildings have been rented by the Government in order to furnish a s<hool for the Moquis Pueblos. The'location is admirable 'and the only suitable oue which could be found for a school readily ao-cessible to the Moqni~. With some changes in the buildings seventy-' five pupils can be provided for there. Authority has been granted and in most cases work hasalready oom: meuced on new buildings for the Pima, Navajo, Fort Hall, Yankton, a and Blackfeet boarding schools and for large additions to thewichi'ta, Osage, Standing Rock, and Siletz school buildings. INDUSTRIAL TEACHERS. , I Those who are called upon to teach Indians various industries hive a delicate and difficult task. Inquiries have been instituted with a view I of finding men.of good judgment, exemplary habits, a knowledge of tools, industrious, and capable of teaching the Indians ~ o r k . XUMBEB OP SUHOOLS, ATTENDANCE OF PUPILS, ETC. The following table shows the attendance at the various schools dur-ing the past year : 'I TABLE1. -Bhowing nz~mk,c q a c i t y , altd cost of schools, n u m k of en?ploye?s w d & roll-ment and average attmawce of pupil8 dvring $8oal yew ended Jme YO, W9.. i I Hind of sohool. i No. Dapscity. %:$ 1 A~v~e~r~a~g e No. of Cost to GOT. employes. ernment /I- _ _ _ _ _ _ - I l l / ! i a m w o w d + w a~ ~ a d & B ~ V ~ M I : Boardin~sohocls.. .................. DaJ-school% ............... .,.. .. ostrid tminiog sohoole ......... Omductad 8y priootapwtira: Under omtract with Indian B-U: Bbarding.sahool8.. .............. Day.sahoolx. .................... Sohoole speoially eppmprinted for by Congress ...................... ay i a nB ........... TotalGovemmentaohwls ........ Underomtr&ct Boarding.aahool8 ................ 59 4.038 3,213 547 289,983.18 I-Day. saboolx. 26 % b30T 662 43 1% 130.19 byCongrsss --- TOM ............................. ' - -- aggregate ........................ I , . , . , . , % . ' Foor of these sehwla me oondocted by religions sooieties whioh employ the tapohera. Govern. mmt assist0 these achoola, without formal aonhaat, by ieaoing rstfons snd clothing M thepnpih I |