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Show I REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. 47 for one year's cut only, especially a mill of the capacity named, sinoe the largest mills in that sectio~l running day and night could not cut more than 20,000,000 feet each season. They recommended the sale of all the timber to one bidder, and at one time, and the limiting of the cut to not less than 10,000,000 nor more than 20,000,000 feet each year. On receipt of Inspector Wright's report this office prepared a new draft of regulations embodying the changes suggested. The authority previously granted was modified by the President July 28,1897; July 29,1897, the Department approved the newregnlations, and August 2, ( C ' 7 i j . ~ 1897, the agent was directed to advertise for bids for the purchase of j;k the timber. .!if .,,; >, < The regulations prescribed to govern the operations of the Iudia,ns and the cor~tractour itder the Presidentk last authority are as follows: (1) The Indims of the Red Cliff Reservetion in the State of Wisconsin to whom nllotments have been m d e and patonta therefor issued, as shown by s, sohedule I hereinbelow set forth. will be nermitted to sell on stom.oa -& all the timier standine ~ ~ or fallen ontheir respective allotments to the suooessful bidder who shall be author-lzcd by the Secretary of the Interior as hereinafter provided to nnrohase the ssme: Pvovided, That not exceeding twenty million (20,0&,000) feet nor less than ten mil-lion (10,000,000) feet of said timber shdl be cot from the allotments on said reserva-tion in any one ye?=, and no sales shall be made except to snoh person as shall be authorized by the Mecretary of the Interior to purchase timber from the Red Cliff allott~es. (2) Sealed bids shell he ct~lledfo r by due advertisement for the purchme of the timber from the allottees, and the suooeasful Mdder shall be required to erect a. mill within the reserviution, of snitable capacity for the manufaature of not less than ten million feet of lumbar annually out of tlmber to be purchased from the allottses; to gi\e :I bond in the penalty of fifty thousand dollars lawfol money of the Unlted States, running to the United States, and conditioned for the faithful observclnoe of all laws of the United States now in force or that may hereafter be enacted, rela-tiru to trade and interoonrse with the Indian tribes and regulations prescribed therennder, and for the faithful performance of all his obligations under my eon-tract or contracts that he may enter into with the Indians under these re$ulations, as well as the faithful observance of these regulations. (3) Before any timber shall be cut under the foregoing authority from any allot-ment, a oontraot shall be entered into between the person authorized to purohaes the timber and the Indian to whom s ~mhal lotmaot has been patented, in such form as shall be preeoribed by the Commissioner of Indian AEsirs, which contract, however, shsll not be of force llntil the Commissioner of Indian Affaira &all have endnrnnd I - -..- his approval thereon; and each and every such contract shall contain s. stipnletion to be of the effect snd provide tha t should any of the timber covered t h e r e b ~b e bnrned subsequently tothe date thereof, so ss oause it to die, thepuraheser :hall be held responsible for any loss or deterioration, by reason of his failure to cut the same in season; and also a stipulation that on the approval thereof by the Commis-sioner of Indian Affairs, as provided herein, the purchaser will pay to the Indiw agent in tmst for the Indian aliottee the sum of fifty (50) dollars, and on tho first day of July in each and every year thereafter five (5) per centurn of the estimated value of the timber on the lands of much allottees, nntil the same is cut and paid for as provided in theaeregulationa: Provided, That the purohaser shall be duly credited with all suma so paid in h ~ fain al settlement for timber cut on any allotment. (4) The Indian agent of La. Pointe Agency, Wisconsin, shall nee that the anthor-ized pnrohaser shall employ Indians in the cutting, moving, and manufacturing of timbar, when practiosble, on the asme terms as other labor, Indiana to have prefer- |