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Show 10 REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. TABLE6. -Location, oapadty, and date of opmining of Govan~nsntr eamatim boarding eckoola-Continued, Looatioo. Bsmerks. OUhoma-Continoed. Chepn? :::. ...................... 3'0 8111 ....................... Eaw ............................... Osage .............................. Otoe ............................... pswnee ............................ Pono i)... ........................... Rsiny Mountain ................... Riverside (Wichita) ............... Sac and For ....................... seger .............................. Orepc":nde Ronde ..................... KIam&th. .......................... Siletu .............................. m&t,us.. ......................... Hain, ............................ Soutll Dakota: ChayendeRiver .................... CnnCreek.Agenak .............. Cmw Creek. Grace ssion ....... Hope (Springfield) ................. LoweCBroM. ...................... sisseton ........................... ut=Yha: nkton .......................... onray ............................. Uintah ............................ Weshingtw: Okanagan (Tonssket) .............. Pu sllop .......................... ~ a i i m.a.. ......................... Wiaoonein: Lsc du Xkobean .................. Menornonee. ....................... Oneida ............................. wy;5. .......................... - Total. ........................... 200 - - 1879 125 Bog. < 1891 Dee. -, 1869 In Kmsaa. ug. -, 1874 In Indian Territory. 180 Peb. -, 1874 75 OoL -, 1875 In Nehska. ,1865 In Nebraska. ,1878 In Indian Territory. 100 Jan. -, 1883 50 Ssp. -, 1898 100 Sep. -, 1871 "4 G.-- : 1868 111 IBpllsly. 1872 In lndmn Territory. 120 Jan. 11,1898 100 Apr. -, 1874 140 Feb. , I874 80 Oct. -, 1873 100 Jan. -,I883 100 XOV. -, 1882 130 Apr. 1.1898 I Atnena ncy Atolda en soh001 for gIrgopeded in 187fn%rmls. sirnary auspices in Government buildings; aohool for boys opened in 1880. 140 - -, 1874 50 Feb. 1.1887 Prier to this date a oootraot echo01 opened in 1888. 60 Ang. 1,1895 Prior to thin data s aontraot echwl openedin 1882. 140 Oot. -,I881 130 - - 1873 I60 ~ e b-.: 188% There were educated in these schools last year 8,112 Indian children, a alight decrease in number from the previous yar, which results from the abandonment of one school and the conversion of others into day schools. Reservation schools, situated in the heart of the Indian country, are perpetual reminders of the civilizahon which lies ontside the reservation. Here the Indian parent can occasionally see his children, note their progress, and involuntarily receive some idea of the benefits of education. The efficiency of these schools has been largely increased and the personnel of their employees improved. The curriculum adopted for them is the outgrowth of yews of careful study of their reqnirements. The majority of them have large, commodious, and well.arranged build-ings, while others are merely ~nakeshiftsw, ithout modern conveniences. An industrial training, more or less varied, is even, but of course it is not so extensive and elaborata as that at the larger nonreservation |