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Show , in. The Clergy in this will appear Withbraveft Knights, that ever were* Rich Efquires offer up their Prayer, With them to join this Station. All honeft Men, that are born free, May come to our Fraternitic, And learn the wondrous Myfterie, Which Bleft makes a Frec-Mafon* IV. Here's unto all rnoft heartily, That are of our Fraternity* LongftyVd, ingenuous Mafonry* And'always much renowned. May all its Members ftill be true, In all Refpects, as I'm to you , Sure, it will be a Mafon's Due, At length then to be crowned. mm A POEM, By Brother R I C H A R D B U L R L E Y , Cott.Extm. A. B. W H I L E others fing of Wars, and Martial Feats, Of bloody Battles, and of fam'd Retreats, A nobler Subjeft fhall m y Fancy raife, And mafonry alone fhall claim my Praife. Hail, Royal Art, thou Myftery Divine, • Blamelefsmay I approach thy Sacrea Shrine } Thy radiant Beauties let me there admire, And warm m y Heart with thy cceleftial Fire. I Ye wilful Blind, feek not your own Difgrace, Liute you come not near the hallowed Place j |