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Show f 7 1 Which great ^Pythagoras did fhow, And glorious Eeclid did impart $ Th'amazing Achimiles too, And many other Scholars good 5 •Till antient Romans did review The vArt and Science understood; - IV. But when proud Afia they had quell'd, And Greece and Egypt overcome, In Architecture they excell'd, And brought the Learning all- to Rome 5 Where wife Vrituvius, Mafter primtf Of Architects, the Art improv'd, In Great Auguftus's peaceful Time, When Arts and Artifts were belov'd. V. They brcughtthe Knowledge from the Eaft; And as they made the Nations yield, They fpread if through the North and Weft* And taught the World the Art to build j , Witnefs their Citadels and Tow'rs, To fortify their Legions fine, Their Temples, Palaces and Bow'rs, That fpoke the Mafons Grand Defign. - VI. Thus mighty Eaftern Kings, and feme Of Abram's Race, and Monarch* good> ^ |