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Show I -3 j •1 hen the Grand-Mailer, placing the Candidate on his Left-hand, having ask'd and obtain'd the unanimous Coi> fent cf all the Brethren, ihall iky, / conftitutc and form cfegoed Brethren into a new-Lodse, hid appoint you Mafter 0/ /:, HO* doubting of your Capacity and Care toprejervc the Cement p/"V/;fc Lodges, &C, with fome her Exprefiions that are proper and uiual on that Occasion, but not proper to be written. Upon this the Deputy ihall rchearfe the Charges of 4 Mafter, and the Grand-Mafter fhall ask the Candidate, faying, Do you fubmit to thefe Charges, asTsYaberi'have done]in all Ages? And the Candidate signifying his cordial Submiilion thereunto, the Grand-Mapr ihall, by certain significant Ceremonies and antient Uiages, install him, and prefent him with the Confutations, the Lodge-Book, and the hiftruments of his Office, not all together, but one after another 5 and after each of them, the Grand-Mafter, or his Deputy, fhall rchearfe the fliortand pithy Charge, that is iuitable tothe Thing prefented. After this, the Members of this new Locke, bowing au together to the Grand-Mafter, fhall return his Wor-ftip Thanks, and immediately do their Homage to their new Mafter, and signify their Promife of Subjection and Obedience to him by the ufual Congratulation. The Deputy and the Grand-Wardens, and any other Brethren prefent, that are not Members of this new lodge, fhaU next congratulate the new Mafter 5 and he fhall return his becoming Acknowledgments to the Grand- Vbffter firft, and to the reft in their Order. Then the Grand-Mafter desires the new Mafter to en- . ter immediately upon the Exercife of his Office, in chu-fmo his Wardens : A n d the new Mafter calling forth two Fellow-Craft, prefents them to the Grand-Mafter for his Approbation, and to the new Lodge for their Confent. And that being granted, The fenior or junior Grand-Warden, or fome Brother G fur |