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Show [ 66 "j fhall aft as Principal, until another is chofen j or if there be no Deputy, then the oldest Mafter. XXII. t h e Brethren of all the Lodges in and about I'.o>:don and Weflminfter, fhall meet at an am.ml Com-wanication and Yen ft, in fome convenient Place, en St. Joim &aptifr$&Ay, or eh'e on St. Jons Evaigelifk Day, a* the Grand-Lodge fhall think fit by a sfcw Regulation, having of late Years met on St. J O H N Bap-fiftS* Day : < Provided, The Ma;onr\ of the Mailer and Wardens, with the Grand-Miter, his Deputy and Wardens, agree at their q :,ar:crly Communication, three M©nrh> before; that tiiere ihall be a Feaft, and a General Communication o{ «H the Brethren : . For if either the Grand-Mailer, ot the Majority of the particular Mailers, are againft it, it mull bedroptfor that Time. Lut whether there if all be a Feaft for all the Brethren, or nor, yet the Grand-Lodge muft meet in fome conva merit Place annually on S:. J O H N ' S Day 5 or if it be > mdf-y, then on the next D a w in order to chufc every Yrar a new Grand Mafter, Deputy, and Wardens. X X I I L If it be thought expedient, and the Grandmas* er, with the Majority of the Maftcrs and Wardens* ^prce -ohold a Grand 1 eaft, according to the antient laudable G u f k m of Ma for s, then the Grand Warden? 1 • 11 ]^-r the (,:.re of preparing the Tickets, feal'd with the Grand-Mafter's Sea!, of \fifpofing of the Ticks •. of receiving the Money for the Tickets, of buyina t e Mitei a's of the Feaft, uf finding out a proper and c~> v nient Place to feaft in 5 and of every other Thing thtet concerns rhe Entertainment, But that the W o r k may not he too burthenfome tothe r*o Grand Wardens, and that all Matters may be expe-d tioi. ily ami ihfeTy m.maged, the Grand-Mafter, or his Dep ty, fhall ha- e Power to nominate and appoint a ceitain Number of Stewards, as his V\ orflsipthail think fit, to act in Concert with the two Grand-Yi aniens 5 all Things |