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Show £ J5 1 Excefs, or forcing any Brother to eat or drink beyond hi j Inclination, or hindnng him from going when his Occa-fions call him, or doing or faying any thing offensive, or that m a y forbid an eaiy and free Converfation $ for that , would blaft our Harmony, and defeat our laudable Pur-poles. Therefore no private Picques or Quarrels muft be brought within the Door of the Lodge, far leis any Quarrels about Religion, or Nations, or Si ate Policy, 1 we being only, as M Ions, of the Caiholkk Region above-mentioned j we are alfo of all Nations, Torguesf Kindreds, and Languages, and are reiolved a~amft all Ptliiicks, as what never yet cond xed to the V\ elfare of the Lodge, nor ever will'. This Charge ha baen always ftnctiy enjoyned and obferved, but especially ever iince the Ref^'maiion in Britain, or the Diffent and Seceilion of thele Nations from the Commanion of Rome. 3. Behaviour when Brethren meet without Stangers5 but not in a Lodge form'ch You are to falute one another in a courteous Manner, «M you will be instructed, calling each other Br other r Treely giving mutual Instructions as fhall be thought expedient, without being overfeen or overheard, and without encroaching upon each other, or derogating from that . Reipect which is due to any Brother, were he not a M a fon j frr tho' all Mafons are as Brethren upon the fame Level, yet Mafonry takes no Honour from a M a n that he chad before 5 nay, it rather adds to his Honour, efpecial- Jy if he has deferv'd well of the Brotherhood, who muft : give Honour to w h o m it is due, and avoid ill Manners* 4. Behaviour in Pre fence of Strangers not Mafons. You fhall be cautious in :your Words and Carriage, that the molt penetrating Stranger fhall not be able to difcover or find out what is not proper to be intimated ; and .,.> u.inn.a ii>v;% |