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Show C * J '' one conflderable Inducement to the Brotherhood to keep '} firm to their proper Centre as M A S O N S , and never vary • therefrom. After that the great Architect of the Church had feaPd :? our Redemption 'with his Bloodr the rnoft of Mafons be- 'I came Chriftians, and added feveral Divine Truths to their :;' antient Cabal 5 their Cement became ftronger, their Union • greater, and their Principles inconteftable 3 for whafi they had before difcern'd faintly, as in a Crepufculum oi k Twilight, they now faw thoroughly, as in the open Ji Splendour of the Sun. And thus among true Brethren it has been kept pure to this Day. Here, m y Brethren, I would have you to take Notice, :: that there never was greater Caufc of keeping firm to the 1 Brotherhood, than at this Time, when the Minds of Men are irritated one againft another, either by Party Jars, or Distentions in Religion, arifing from the vaft Variety of Opinions that there are in the World. In this unhappy State of human Affairs, what can afford a more . grateful Satisfaction to,generous Minds, than to hold free r Converfe with worthy M e n in Brotherly Love, tho' diffe-i rent in Poinds of Religion from one another? All muft | grant m e now that M A S O N R Y is a real Centre of Unity. And, in order the better to render it fo, fince of late Years the Number of Mafons has become greatly increased at a general AfTembly of the Chiefs of our Society held at London, it was reiolved, Firft, That as London was the greateft Emporium of Trade in the World, and by that Means the rnoft capable of keeping up that Intcrcourie and Correfpondence which mould fubiift amongft Mafons, it fhould be from thence eliablifhed as the Metropolis of M A S O N R ' Y . Secondly, That* in order to unite Mafons under one general Head , a Grand-Mafter fhould be chofen to pre-fide over the whole Craft, and to appoint his proper Officers, Qfir. as mention'd in the Book of Conftitiaiohs. 'Thirdly, |