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Show Hands to*their Relief ? Shall we not have the PleafurC of rejoicing with them in their Joy, after mourning with • ; them in their Grief? Which is the temporal Reward of this great Vertue, for nothing can aftord fo grateful a : Satisfaction to a generous Mind, as being the Inftrument I in the Hands of Heaven of railing the amicted Heart: to cheerful Joy, and bringing Cejn&rt to the Houic of : Sorrow. I Secondly,. It teaches us to walk circumfpeftly, leaft, by ,i our Example, we lead thofe w h o m we love into Evils ; which we would have them to avoid. r Thirdly, It teaches us to live temperately, leaft, by our ,: Irregularities, we give Offence to our Brethren, and lofe i their Friend/hip,, which, is ib valuable to us, ll Fourthly,. \> e arc taught by it neither knowingly nor j wittingly to injure our Brethren, or fufier them to be in- ;jur'cl, either in their Fortunes, Perfons,, Families, or rood I! Name. : Fifthlyr Without Fidelity w e do not live up to this Principle} for how can we have Love to each other, , where we can repofe neither Truft nor Confidence in i :. another. Sixthly, It teaches us Obedience to our Superiors in IMafenry in aft their lawful Commands, and to pay them , that Deference which is due to them in their ieveral Oifi-ees j for how can we be -J laid to love the Brotherhood, if we do not pay due Regard to thoic who have the Grand- Care of the Craft upon their Hands, and are the proper Cement of the Lodge ? T o make Breaches in this Particular, is as vile a Thing as we can be guilty of as Mafons ;- for we needed not to have tyed ourielves down therein unlefs we would ourfelves, and we ought to mind, that for every Promife which w e freely make, we are accountable before the grand Tribunal- of Heayen.. Shall we endeavour then by any Means, either open or fee ret, to bring into Contempt, thofe w h o keep a continual Watch over us for. our. Good, and are, without.ceafing, puriu- D fc ing |