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Show [ 10 ] in the Fields, a fair and ftrong Building, conduftad bj Mr. Gibbs a. noted Architect. In the Reign of his prefent Majefty M A S O N R Y flou-siihes very much, and ieveral fine Buildings have been finifhcd, and others.now carrying on. And, indeed, it may be faid to the Glory ot the Englifi Mafons, that there are but few Nations in the World that can equal England in the Number of fine Edifices, and it continues fiill to encreafe in them * that great Archrrect, the Ea ! of 'Burlington,. M r. Kent, the ingenious Mr. Flitcroit who conducted the Building of the new Church ot SS Giles's in the Fields (an elegant Struct arc J with many other excellent Architects now living, ufing their unwea-xied Endeavours for the Improvement of M A S O N R Y and- Ornament of the Kingdom- The Number of L O D G E S has prodigioufly encrealed within thefe few Years in Great Britain and Ireland j and it is to be hoped, that Geometry and. the Royal An will be inculcated in every one of them^ In Ireland, a Country once the rnoft famous of any for Learning, there are ieveral ftately Remains of the antit enr Grandeur of the Irifi, fhewn in the Ruins of ieveral magnificently extructed Churches, Monasteries, Catties, and other Buildings ; and at this Day (notwithstanding all the Difadvantages under which that Kingdom labours,) Learning and Arts hold up their Heads, and feveral noble Churches, Hofpitals, and other Edifices beipcak the publick Spirit of the Irifi. In "Dublin is a noble Palace, where the Lord-Lieutenant keeps his Court $ a ftately Tholfel \ a magnificent Hoipital for old or decrepid Soldiers j a Work-houfe not inferior to any of thole in Holland \- a fine new Building, call'd Dr. Stevens's Hofpital 5 a Guftorrvhoufe admired by all that fee it j a Barracks for Horfeand Foot, the rnoft magnificent, largeft and rnoft commodious- of the kind if Europe , and a College, which to the immortal Honour of Irehnd. has given Education to fome of the greatcft Gcni-us'i* |