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Show 2:10 ROEBUCK . 1imrr cycn()--nJLcr n11 'vc l1:-tve <lone for yon-,ve tnight ha\'c soll yon 'vit.h t.h l'f'RL-" 'C rnigl1t now l1:tvo the n1onoy in onr pockctR-yon will nm :1.\\ray, wi1l yonwhat l>Jac,k in()"rnt iLu<le-who wonl<t hclicve iL-n·cdot ;--:, J11rlrnrs Jfpel!a-l'll never t rnRt a n1 g·g·cr ng·ai n-go tlwn-rnn, Rtarvc, beg, Rioal, die, rot-go thiR night -rl on't sleep again under this roof-anrl1niucl, don't steal anything ' vhcn yon go-tnke off thnt Rnit nn rl pnt on your old cloLhcs-ohey 1ne or I'll have yon whj pped-I hope you'll rue this hour jn 'vant :1nd woo to tho end of yonr clays-begone, yon blnck rnscal, bco,...,· onc." But Gahe did not rise. lie 'vas fa. t asleep. As Roon as hi~ head r cRtecl on a chair slnrnbcr bog:m to creep over l1im. \Vhon his 1naster ncl cl resscd hin1 l.lo was parti[tlly nrou~ocl , and n1utLercd his well-conned response between a~l ecp and nw·ake. Under the lnonotonons dcc1:unat ion of l\frs. P:1ln1or he lost all con scion .. ness. AfLcr the close of her add ross his only reply 'vas a sonorous 8nore. Albert, discovering tho irnLh of the ca. c, nn<l being hin1self cool enough to feel the riel i nlc of the si LnnLion, qn ictl y appronchecl (bbe, nnd laying a hnn<1 on his shoulder, woke him. Gabo leaped up an<l Jook ccl ahoHL hi1n wiLh atnazement. "Begone!" sairl hi:-1 old 1naRLer. "l's a thinki n' I better be n O"Wi no." b Gabe hnsLl cl ont of the parlor \vith less servile cer-emony th:tu he hacl Loon accusLoJnocl to <lisplay in retiring fr01n the pre. ·once. The fmnily couneil, re:-~ tmlillg its scBsion, discn~. eel v:n·ious topic:-~, ana among th01n tho Fairiitxcs of I~oebu ·lc ea1nu un<ler con:-~idcra.Lion. Tho course ancl COil elusion of the consultaLion rc. pecting that fan1ily need uot 110\V be sLated. So fhr as results follo\ved from il, HOETIUCK . 231 of interest to the render, they " 'ill appc:u- in the seqnel. vVhil c the n:une of Fairfax • " r:lR yet npon t11 'ir lips th sig·nal oC b1inc1 PeLc ' vas he:trd, nncl he was :HhniLtcd. ITo came to report t haL Colonel Fi1 zllllgh ,vas spondi n g the ll igh L aL J toohnck. A 1bert Pallncr, cage1· to avail hims 1f of the illf'onn:tLion, 1nonn tcc1 his hor c, a.nd afLor giving a a order to PoLo, ro<lc to tho v illnge. P ete's e]anc1cstinc in(orrnation " ras so Jar correct that IIugh F.itzhngh visito<l Iloebnck th:1t night, bnt left thoro before Albert Pahner conlLl h:tvo arri\rocl nL the village. Going \Vith hiR rcgin1onL upon an expedition, he paRsed ncar lloobu kin the nig·ht. "'~hilo the rco·in1ont halted for a brief rest he rode oif w1th a b • small escort to viR it Colonel Fairfitx, ancl a ·ccrtrun from h itn 'vhotl1cr tho rum ors w )ro trne which he h:1.d hoard of tho onLra~es commiLLod upon tho people of tho connty. 1\i'Lcr converHi1.1g w~th. the co]onolupon th~1t Rnbjo 'L, he intlulgocl hunscH w1th n. brief <.lelny to talk wiLh Julia upon a subject of 1nore tcncler in t~resL to th ctn than to tho puulie. Then, while he lingcrctl yet a little longer, coHvorsation turnotl upon the <.lm;olaL.ion of Virginia :t~cl the suffering of her p ople. A large portion of tho State. was nh:eady ravaged n.tH1 deva~taLocl Tho flower o( her youth and 1nn.uhood h:ul boon cut down by thousatH.ls~ Fr01n the fir.·t to the last honr of the war the bloo<1 o.1 the State Howccl in torrents, nnLl in all her Lonlcrs.tL seonlml thaL notlll.n g G( tt l<l R.1 ,,' tn <1. erect uudor the . I.n - c.c. 8ant 1-llonn of \~' ar bnL her un conquerable 1-lpint. Those who then fond 1 y proLracte<l n. harri ~(l eon vrrsation to deplore tho :dllietionB of their belo\'ed Uotnl110l: wealth coulclHoL fares e that they woulcl never nteet again' under the roof of l{,oe b nc k · They know |