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Show ) 141 ROEBUCK. delivering the message at once. Is it from Captain Palmer 1" "Yes· this is the note, sir." "Wh~t docs he want 1" asked Baxter, taking tho note hut not reading it; "does he "rant to fight?" "Precisely." "V cry 'veil; bring him along." " Ilo'v do you n1ettn 7 Please refer me to yout· friend, captain, to . cttle the necessary nrrangcn1ents." " I am my own friend. 'V c'll settle the arrange- 1nents as ,vc 'valk to the ground. I have pistols in my tent-or you may bn.n g yours. , "I do not understand this mode of proceeding. You seetn to be jesting. But I'll 'vait until you have read the note ancl 'vn.t tcn your ans,vcr. , "I won't 'vait. I've been up all night and I must have a nap before break£1.st. This affitir must be dis~ patched at once, so that I 1nay go to bed." "Surely you jest, sir. This is a grave affair." "It may be grave enough for your friend, if I oan steady n1y hand this morning." " But your friend-you will refer me to your friend!" "I have no friend. I want no friend. I have no time to be looking for a friend no,v." " You will not go to the field alone?" " I hope to see you there, if not I->almcr. Como aloncr." 0 "Bnt, sir, this is irregular-absolutely contrary to all rule. I protest"-- " J\Ir. Bullitt-I think you called yourself Bullitt ~,, " That is my name, sir." "Do you see that clump of trees, with a tall pine in the centre-there-about two miles oif1" nOED"GCIC. 145 "I see it." "I shall be there-just beyond that clump of trees in forty minutes. If you and your princip:1l are not there within an hour from this tin1e-it is just fiveyou mnst take the consequences. \Ve~1pons-pistols. Di~tflncc-tcn paces. Good n1orning, sir." "Stop, captain," cried Bull itt, following hitn a he walked off, " this is 1nost irregular. There i no precedent for it. Two against one! ·Yon on the gronna nlonc, and the other party with a friend! It ·will be mnr lcr." "l\Inrder, "rhen I hoot your principal ? You can take care of hin1. Doctor Frank, I clare say, 'vill go with us jf you ask hin1." "~Vith whom shall I consnlt-negotiate-arrangcI'm ~hocked. This proceeding is out of all rule. Two agai11st one! It 'vill neyer do." "vVell," said Baxter, "Bince you are f:lhocked I will compromise the matter. Y 0 11 shall act as the friend of both p:1.1ties. '' "I don't understand that at all. That's irregular too. Can I arrange terms ·with myself·? Can I agree with myself? Can I advise one party that he should be satisfied, and the other that he should not? 1\'Iust I ask myself a question from one side, and ans,ver it myself from the other 7 Can I"-- " Good morning, Mr. Bu1litt. In forty minutes." "!leavens! what shall I do 7 Such nn irregular party! 1\fust I abandon 1ny pricipnJ nncl go half over to the other side 7 Stay, Captain Baxter," he cried, running after that irregular party, " Stay. This n.ffitir must go on some way. If it mnst be your w·ay, I am not responsible. I protest, but under protest, I consent to net as the co1nmon friend of both prin-cipals." 7 |