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Show 296 HOl;llUUK. •' l's gwinc wi<1 yon, mast0r," , ~i<l CalclJ, :=:pc[t1(ing with di!ii l' ulty, :t iHl i':ll ling nL hsL fro1n his nmbit.ions pl1r:t~wolop;y to th negro dia1e~l, "I's g \\·inc wi ll you, In:H;t cr.'' "1 hope not, 1ny f:1ithf'lll Jc'11o,v.'' "I bin alw~lYH \rid yon; l's g wine 'Y.itl you now 1 na~:tcr . '' ·~ F~1rewcl1, Caleb. Go( t bless you. Yon have dono your t1nty. Then ily, Jnlb.. Conceal yonr~~e1f until D ight in thnt " -'oo<l. Save your faLhcr. Tell l1itn I die for hi1n ancl for you and for Vi rg iuia-as I ' Yotdtl '"ish to die-for the dearest ol~j octs of 1ny lo,· -:t:l<1 I love sister 1\fary nnd \Ve (lie J u1ia-yon nrc a brave girl-the earth has not nnoLhcr BO noul"-ki. :i me, Jn1ia-fnrewc1l-wc die, bnt onr eountry lives forcvcr- GoLl blcR \ 7.. j rg inia-lig ht the candle-God bless"-- Ile spoke no n1ore. 1\lr. IIart, the l~ll't~1er who resided there, uow stood b csi(lc Julia. I • HOEBUCK. 297 <-ni.l\PTE1~ XXVIII. UUGII l'ITZIIUGH. \V11 E~ Albc1'L P:dmcr, abruptly :1bnndoning his pn rsuit. of' J\Ii~~ }i.,air[;u-:, tnrn c<l to Jly fro n1 the fi,·c or 1-'!x: Conf'e<lern1cs who had 111 t h er, he '\'as n1ountc<l on n. fleeter h or~e th :1n nny of their , and noL Rpnring 1 h8 weary animnl, he ]eft then1 nt BOtnc distance. Jfc 'vottld prob:thly l1 :1\'C eRcnped if his horse ll:t<l not f:lll cn in d c~cen <lin o· a hill. By the f:dl 011e of the -:> • ri<l er's l '!!S \\ra~ broken, and beino· unnblc to 1nove he ,, ;-..., ' '\'a~ e:1pt ur d. lie w:1s cnrri ctl by hi.· cnptors into the ynr<.l of n h ouse 'vhi ~h stooc1 ncar the road, and th <'rc laid on the gr:tss, while the Confe<l cratc~, gi,·ing· np the pnrsuit or his comrncles, who hncl ·ualLc're(l th t'lll scl vcs over the coun try, ' vailed for the n:~·i rnen t. to COlllC np. U o1on(~1 Fit/:htr ~)·h, after Jn:tvin (r Juli:1. with l1cr urwlu '") . at the spring, lJ:t..-~c n c< l forward. She J1 :Hl to1<l him th:-tt .;ome of his 1nen ·were in pur~niL of' P:llm cr, :tlH l be h:Hlllc:lru cno11gh of tltaL gentleman' ree nL conduet to 1i11 hitn with :1nger. Anticipating the capture of the fngitives n. p ~sil>lc, iC uot probable, he ln etli tntecl the ptmisl11nent th:1L wa~ <lnc t ~ .. meh ~ vilbin. IIi ~ fury being the counsellor oC his ju<lgm c~ 1 t, he wa:3 re:H1y to eond01nn the culprit to cxtren1c torture of any kin<.l that intan·ination coul tl coneei vc. In }, is " ~Hlge r he da~hc<l the spnrs into his horse, ::! .' if' no speed wns Hwirt enough ior b~ revenge. \ Vllether his tempestuous thought turned to the perils through 13* |