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Show 102 ROETIUCK. '· I !\!n o~~l (·n0n gh now, J\ I.~. ·s ,,,. n 11' :1.. " "A .. r~ you ej~htce:l! I ~m told. thai :s t~te r~~·oncr fi0'('." b" I'n1 only seveutcen, nw.'an1, but I can fig!tt in a goo< 1 cause. " . "Yon n.rc a brave fellow, 1\Iark. l)o yon h e:w h t tn, papa?" "I clo · but ,vc must not let these brave boyH go ) into the an11y too soon. The country 1nay ncea then1 next year or the year after, auu -we lUll L not grind the seccl corn." . "I believe I can stand the service, colonel," s:ud 1\1ark. "l)o you rcn.lly 'vish to go as a soldier?'' nskec1 the colon 1. "1\ly rnincl is macle up to go, sir, if n1y parents consent." "But the ant.horit ics 'voulcl not let n yo nth of seventeen be 1nnstcred in." "J)o you think so?" asked ~1n.rk, 'vith surprise. "I do inc1ee<1." "Then," repli c1 J\f:lrk, nfter thinking n Jno1nent, "I'll go ancl fight on n1y own hook. Rotnc of the boys will lcL rnc 1ness ·with then1, and I can always get n. gun when there is to be a battle." "Arc you so re. ol vecl ?" ;, I nm resol ve<1 to be a soldier in this 'vn.r." "II:tvc you a horse?'' "No, sir ·, for tha.L ren.c;on I mn ao -oin oo · into the lilfan try." "\Vonld you prcf'cr cavalry sen'iec ?" "Indeed I 'vould, colonel; I 'vou1d like it n.bove all things." "Then yon , hnll have this horse, since your father refuses to take hi1u.,, HOEBUOK. 103 " n tl t I [lJ n 11 0 t a h 1 c t 0 p :1 y .r 0 1' h i I n." "I <10 not 'XJ>C<'1. to be pai l for hinL -You r-;haH accept hi ll1 :1s fL gin." "Tha111~ yon colonel, bttL I ·annoL take l1inl HO." "\Vhy 11 ot., :r,rnrl ?" "\Yo don't aeeept gift:-4 of mtch v:llue \\rl1en \\TO <'an 111:1 ko 110 return. IL i :-; a rule I've 1 ca rn ctl from my pnrcnt~." "\Vhy, l\Iark" , aid Julia, ~yon arc n~ irl<lepentlcnt a.· a-as''-- "As a g 'ntlelunn, yon woultl say, 1naybe, 1\fisB Julin. '?" "Bnt con~i<ler papa w·m1t:-; to gi\'P the hon~e to the public Rcrvice, not. 1 o you alone. J\ ll hi~ property bolong- R t.o onr conn try at her lH'<'<l. You nu1y Rnrcly help hitn to usc iL ior onr ·on1mon dcf'en('e.'' ' In nny 'vny con:-;isl<'nt ·with 1ny own honor-I mean no o.ITenco, J\Ji..;s Julj:1-I woul<l be glatl t UO RO." "J\Iark, you nrc nn obstinate young 1e11 w, :nul I have a 1nin<l to qnnrr '1 " 'it h ) 'O tl." "Not for being honest l\1 is~ Julia; Dot. 1or l>C'ing independent. 'Vha.t arc we to 1ig ltL for but indcpenclcnce ?" "11hcn let 1ne Hell yon 1 h • horse," ~:Litl Colon l Fairfax, ' y u 1nny pay 1ne ior hin1 ·when it suits yon." "Bnt. I 1nn..y n \ver he abl \. \Vou1Ll it be rj ght, co1oIlel, to take eredit ·without a pro:-;peeL of being nl>le to pay? I Inay be killecl or djc in the oervjee." "Then the horse \Vill remain," .-aiel the co1onc1, half }Jl'Orokell :tlHl half ~unuseJ by these obje ·Li n~. "Perh:1pH not.," replied 1\lark, "ancl th n you \\'On1<1 get nothing, or 1ny Ltther \Youl<l di::;trcss himself autl |