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Show 61 HOE BUCK. so kind of us to keep it in t.he poor colonel's family; ,ve need not talk about the:c thing-s; nobocly need ever know, Albert, 'vhether your father is N orlh or South ; he is a very 'vise l111HL" ":Jiother, 'vhere is si::;tcr Jane '? I 'vant some n1nsic." Sister Jane \Vas called, bnt her 1nusic only served to rCinincl Albert of Julia Fairfax, whose i1nage lm·ed hin1 along a chain of logic that ended in a conclusion favorable to the Southern cause. lie resolved to adhere to it for reasons rather rnore reputable than those 'vbich his father hacl snggesteJ. l3nt he found it satisfactory to kno'v that a course of conduct which 'vas right \vas also, in the judgment of his wise father, prudent in all aspects. When the music ceased, ~Ir. Palmer dre'v forth his watch and intimated that the hour for fan1ily worship had arrived. All the daughters ,vere sutun1ouecl, and ~irs. Pahner placed on a stand be..,ide him a Bible, a hymn book and a candle ; for, in every external observance, as in every prudential virtue, Mr. Israel Pahner was the model of a Christian. , ROEBUCK. 65 CIIA.PTER VI. O:l the next . ~lay s:1t the County Court. At nn early hour the court-house green and wthe villa()'~ street were thronged '"·ith n1en. Ilorses filled eve;y st3blo nnd shed, and stood along both sides of the street fron1 end to end. The county had turned out, for the connty 'vas deeply agitated. The villnge h:1cl but a single street. On one side of H ~tood t.he c.onrt-honse, with its adjacent offices and ne1ghbonng Jail. Opposite " 'flS the wnn Tavern an nncicnt inn, f:unons ior good cheer. Sratterod nlon()' either sifle of the treet ·w<.•rc tw·o ri\·nl F>tore~, th~ shops of the blacksmith, sn<llller, 'vagon-n1akor an<l s~oCin:1.ker, the ofllecs of t\,~o la\\rycrs and t\vo physi<. aans, and the dwellings of 11all~a-dozen mechanics. At one OlHl of the street stood a woo<1en builcli11o· of whicl~ the lo\vcr story 'vas occupied by n. ,vool-cm~ling n1aclnne, propelled by horse- power, nn<l in the upper story 'vas. a printing oflicc, frotn which a ,veekly newspaper eni1tletl the '' Tobacco I~eaf" ,vas issued abont twice a 1nonth, and in son1e 1nonths thrice. At tho other end or the street was nn old church, built in Colonial t.in1cs, with n, parsonng·e of le ·s nnt.iquity. The chnrch-yn.rc1 contained nwny Inonutneuts that ,vcre lllOBs-grown or cnunuling 'vith age. On sotne of thmn conlcl yet be dimly traced hcrnldic or literal n1etnentoes of the pride of :t former generation, and on |