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Show 112 HOEBUCK. " We shall see. But if "~e hold nothing too d~ar to be given up for the sake of independence, no ffilS· fortune of ,var can o:t1• snuty us. " . . "No Vjro·inian I :un sure," saH.l l\Irs. Fitzhugh, " ·n holcl a0 ny S}' )ec•i es of property too cl car·. " W"lA t least the 'voinen," added J n1 m' , " nlus t no t f'hrink from the sad duties 'vhich \Var itnposes on our R. ex. B·1t even yet I hOJ)e and pray that some gleam l. , ' • h of oodness or i1npulse of ren1orse 'v1ll avert t e doogm of bloody confh. ct 1i'. rom our counv41y.." . ""\V ell Julia you must not forget your elcl fnend when wa'r shall' leave me lonely. Vis1. t me of ~en, _an d whenever you are 'vith me I shall see sunshine 111 a shady place. Come, I will not frighten you away with my cloudy 1uood. Let 1ne sho'v you my flowers, though fe'v of them are out yet. You. shall ,be ~s sunshine to my garden, my sweet favonte. 'I heres a speech you would rather hear, perhaps, fro1n somo gallant cavalier. But come along, let us be happy among fio,vers while we may." The walk among the flowers, 'vith gay ga1:den talk, \vhiled away half.an-hour, in which the h1g~· apirited old lady became lively and her visitors fell1n with her cheerful humor. HOEnrcK. \13 CIIA.PTER XI. TilE VOLUNTEERS . WHEN the con1pany of cavalry wns organized hy the election of officers, Hugh Fitzhugh ·was chosen captain. The con1pn.ny nu1nbered nbout a hundred, of whom a 1najority 'vere young gentlemen, but n1en of all clasPes 'vcre included. Thoro 'va~ one reCJ·nit whose name did not appcnr npon the n1nstcr-roll. Doctor Fairfax 'vas resolved, ns he saicl, to have a hand in the fi ght. But he concei vecl that, at his age, he might be cxcnRed from the rigid perforn1ance of all the arduous duties of a pri vale solclier. lie proposed, therefore, to COTlClnct the " 'ar, for his O\\·n part, at his own co~t nw..l charge, ~ nn independent volunteer, not enlisted, but under the COTn1nancl of C:-tptajn Fitzhngh. "\Vhcn he proposed this arrangement to the captain, thnt ofticer thanked hin1 for the honor which it implic<l, bnt urgc<1 the doctor to pern1it his friends to procure an appoint1nent for hitn " 'hieh would enable hitn to be 1nore u~efn1, 'vith less fatigue nncl expo nrc. Dnt this sue;gestion 'vas 1latly rejected by the belligereut doctor. lie declare l that his sole pnrl)OSC was to ii crht "the Yankee~" in the n1ost ~ direct 1nanncr, hnnd to hand nnd to the death. Be-side:-;, he was going in free for a. free fight, a.nd " Tonld not endure the tntn11nels of oflicial obligation. The captain accedecl to the a.rrangCinent, but he asked, with a sn1ile- |