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Show 10..1: ROEBUCK . cn.1ne npon a l·o:~. .c1 .a. nc1 sh e 's ·n N·r J. \Inrlin's. c:-tbin. , which 1 bo,·1 i. 1e y \Vel'C fl. :t to p'"' S~ The Farrht of 1t r cvtved her l <L ' ' . ' • l f Csc., 1 1ope )e \Vhcn they cn.nrc n c:-wly oppos1t.c to 0 <l • ~ • · t 11 e ca1 J ·l ll •-11 e •p ,11cl cl en1 y 'R trucl .. her h or se ·w1th alt her 1.r orce, 1 , t the san1e tiww c:-tlled the nmnc of 1\Irs. ~n c a ' . .. .. l\'Iarlin. Arn.b lvounded ,v1th snch v1olcncc th.1t he 41 1\I1'},.. r. but the detcnnincc1 fellow held faRt OVC'l'li ll'e\V ..._ '-=', 1 hy the bri<.1le a,11 <.1 -was dragge<.1 along the g ronnc1. ~ he . , t~<111cr blo,vs until tho spiri ted horse was plnng- 1 cpcn '' 1 ing fran1.ica.11y, but still l\like _h eld on. S~1e r epca.t.cc h er cries n1so until J\Irs. 1rlarhn rn.n out of the cabm. A \vn.kencd n.ncl st:1rtlccl by the voice of alann, she hurried to\Y:1rds h er door an l stnn1blefl over :1 • Lool. The accident, nnd h er quick n.ppreh cnsion of <:nng.<'r, pr01npLcc1 h er to pick up the HLoo1 ~nd. carry 1t ~v.tLh l1er :LH n. \VC:Lpon of dcfenee. JI:vtcnwg 1n~o th~ 1o.u1, ~h e l' eognizc<1 the voice ana the horse of Jnhn., nnc1 ~aw t )aLo rnnning abont her. Advancing to the .rcsenc of h er fri end Rho «ave CaLo :L vigorous ulow WJLh the 'vcrrpon S1lc 'c.'"'lTicd in h er hnncl, nncl th[lt t inl'i<1 ra. cal , l ro11c<.l over in the dirt. lie lay very qn1 ct, afrccLing to be quite disableu. 1\Iikc, f;Ccing the tarn whic.h affitir. h:u1 taken, let go the brielle, scrmnb1cJ to lus feet ~n<l rn,n :1 wn.y. 1\Irs. 1\Iarlin t hen n,ssistec1 Julia to aligh t. She W[LS much f: tLignc<l, an l \Vith t he r cvuh;ion of fec1ing i l}:tt overc:une ~ her ·when she saw that she ,va~ free, she hcc~une £tint. The goocl \YOtnan led her iuto . t~lC e~bi n, nncl ::;he sat clo\vn to r est nncl recover her Rl~ tn ts while l\1rs . .l\I:trlin bnsiecl herself in getting n. hght, brino·ino· r estorat ives and prepn.ring :1 b ed. Eliza al. o,o uroo u ·c<..l from the drean1less shuubnr o (' g.n· · 11 10 oc1 ' chattered her syn1pathy an<l flew about, eager to ao sornethin rr for Julia.'::; co1nforL. In a ::;l1orL t itne, how· b H 0 JC B U U K. 105 ever, the young b .cly llcclarc<l hcr:elf able to ri(1e nncl thanking her k ind fricncls, she determined t; retnrn hon1c in1zn c<l iatel y. She knmv thnt her fitther and mother ·would be iu g rcnt <.1istre ·s nnc1 abrm on ncco un.t of her absence, a.ncl she \V~~ :1nxions to r e] jcve th01n as soon as po.-.·iblc. 1\I rs. l\Iarlin '''oul(1 have pcr::;nade<..l l1cr to take son1c r epose, au<l oflere1l to ride to J{,ocbnck l1cr, elf: ' Vhcn she conl<l not prcvn,il in this, she insi 'Led on \vaJking b c~ide 1 he horse, as an escort for Julin.. But l\Iiss It\tirD1x '"~o ul c1 not suifer her to unclcrtnke such a j onrn <.·y nfoo t., n.n<l expre. sed h er belief that she wonld be in no fnrtb r r dnnger dnring that night. Phc l1n(l cpzi tc recovere<l her conrngc nu ll n.'.·olvc<1 to ri<le home alone. But \vhcn she le ft t he cabin for thaL purpose, her horse \vas 110t to be foun<L Both he niH1 CaLo had disappe:1re< L 'VhaL then \ V:ls to be done ? The clif'tance to R ocbuek \Va' not less than six n1ilc ·. Julia, whose strength \V:lS aln1ost cxhansLccl by the events of the night, was \vholly unable to \\':tlk so far. Y cL she could not bear to leave her parents without in telligence of her s~fety. After n1twh di~ctL. ·ion she \vas about to accede to the proposal of 1\l rs. 1\I arl in to walk to · l~oel.>t wk, when Eliza offered to go to \ Villowbnnk and procnrc a hor ·e for ~li:sH Fair fax. IL wonhl he a 'valk of about t wo 1nilcs, and it 1night be attencled \v.ith son1e d:1nger, n. ' the occnrrcnecs of the night had proved. BuL the \\'an n-hcartc<l girl <.le.-iirea to. serve her ii·ien<l, :1IH1 the idea of d:.1nger rather stunnln.Lecl thn.a dauute(l her. \Vhcn the projeet. l1ad taken posse~~io n of her l t\'ely little brain .·he di<l not I:esL until t>he lu:tcl bronghL her 1noLher au Ll1\[ i ~.· Fairfax to consent lo iL, and then ~he tr.ippccl away through the darkness. |