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Show 116 ROEBUCK. counsel and assistance of the young 1nen. It n1ight h:1ppen there that the Po,vc~· \vho "rules. the court, the c~u11p, the grove," somet1n1e.s lurked In the tangle of a kein or barbe<.l the poult of a needle. The oflicial duty of Captain l 1..,itzhugh of cour~e carried him to such places, and he did not fail to inspect, now and then, the work ovel' 'vhich Julia Fairfax presi :led. Bet\veen her and hi1nsel~ th.ere 'va~ a ne~v bond of sympathy in the ardent patnot1sm 'vhwh am~ 1nated both. Ilis eloquence 'vas kindled by themes which \vanned her heart. Perhaps he 'ras proud to sho,v her that his life 'vas not idly 'vaste<l 'vhen he found an object 'vorthy of earnest effort. Pcrhnps she felt that his awnlcenec1 energy 'vns in son1e degree a flattering tribute to her influence. The fi ery agitation of the tin1e, too, tended to infhtn1c all sentin1ents into passio~s. Friendship, chcri hed . ince childhood, n1ight be quickly kin lled to a 'vanner sentiment when syn1pathy and circun1stance conspired to t~m tho ib1ne. But if their intercourse during a ie\v days of burning patriotisrn imparted a passionate glow to the friendship between Ilngh Fitzhugh and Julia Fairfax, they did not ackno·wledge it to thcmsel vps or to each other. Duty, paramount over selfish ai1ns, ther engaged their thoughts. When the company 'vas ready for the n1arch a vast cro\vd assmnblcd at the villag·e to take leave of the volunteers. ~len and 'vomen on the court green, in the street, afoot, on horseback, iu carriages, everywhere, jostled one another to get a sight of the gay troop in nc\v unifonns and on sleek, high-rnettlecl horses, bound to the 'var. A neat valedictory Rpeech '''as delivered by Mr. vVillianu; on behalf of the citizens. A blessing 'vas invoked by the Rev. l\1r. n 0 ED U C I<. 117 Ambler. Cheers " rere given by the n1ultitncle anrl answered by the Yolnnteers. lints were tossed np and grey rap.· \V:l\'ecl in return. Ilnndrcds of negroes, imitative pntriot~, on the outskirts of the crowd, grinned and bnbl>led an<.l lang het1 and shouted with nncontrollablc enthnsiasn1. Frotn all tl1e porches, window anc1 cnrriage~, ancl fron1 the court green, 'vhito hnnclkcrchicf.-3 flnttererl incc~. ·antly. Un ler a11 the clamor of chc0r n.n nttcntivc ear might hrwe hean1 tho sobs of 1nothcn~. Tears h et1ewcd the checks of si:)tcrs bnt t.hcjr l1andk r ·hi 1> " 'ere uscrl, not to dry their eye:~, hut. to \vnve en con rn~; tnent to 1 heir brave brothers. There were pride, j oy, angniRh and devotion in thn.t f<trewcll. I t 'val) not surpriHing that tho captain and his friend, Jnli:t, ench felt an unusual palpitation of 1 he hc:trt " ·h n they '" avccl t heh· fiual n(licu . The entire Jnn.r •h of the company to the scene of wnr wns a popular ovation. The roads were lined with men, won1cn and children, blnck and ·white, waving hats and handkerchiefs, clapping hand , cheering ancl ofr'ering refreHhJncnts. \Vhenevcr the cotnpany halted the people flocked around, to tender congratulation, welcome and hospitality. They contended for the privilege of entertaining every private solclier, as well as the oflicers, in their hou es. No cottao·e ·was too poor to soli ·it snch guc.'t~. No n1an. ion, nor h eel , nor furniture coulcl be too luxurion.· :C r 1he usc of those dnsty l10rsen1 en. No food \V:tH too dclif~:~tc, no wine too co tly 1o be ~·ct ·before tlH'tn. Even th<·ir sen·ants rejoiced 'vith Afi·ican g·Iee iu t.hc abonn<1ing hospitality \vhjeh they sharecl. -,Vhen the con1pany marched on, the genii 1ncn of the county escort )cl them for n1iles over dusty or n1iry roads. Bnnnen |