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Show ( I 10 ) Scarce bears the bending grafs the moving freight, 605 And nodding Rorets bow beneath their weight. So when light clouds on airy pinions fail, Flit the foft ihadows o' ~r the waving vale ; Shade follows ihade, as laughing Zephyrs drive, And all the chequer'd landfcape feems alive. Ztphyrs drivt. I. 6og. Thefe lines were originally written thus, Shade follows ihade by laughing Zephyrs drove, And all the chequer'd landfcape feems to move. 6ro but were altered on account of the fuppofed falfe grammar in uGng the word drove for driven, a~co.rd~ng to the 4>pinion of Dr. Lowth: at the fame time it may be obferved, I. that th1s ISm many cafes only an ellipGs of the letter nat the end of the word; as froze, for frozen ; wove, for woven ; fpoke, for fpoken ; and that then the participle ~ccidentallr becomes fimilar to the pafi tenfe: 2. that the language feems gradually tendmg to om1t the letter n in other kind of words for the fake of euphony; as houfen is become houfes; eyne, eyes; thine, thy, &c. and in common converfation, the words forgot, fpoke, froze, rode, are frequently ufcd for forgotten, fpoken, frozen, ridden. 3· It does not appear that any confufion would follow the indifcriminate ufe of the fame word ~or the pall: tenfe and the participle paffive, fince the auxiliary verb haw, or the precedmg noun or pronoun always clearly difiingui!hes them : and laftly, rhyme-poetry mufi lofe the ufe of many elegant words without this licenfc. Argument of the Third Cant~. ADDRESS to the Nymphs. I. Steam rifes from the ocean, floats in clot'1ds, defcends in rain and dew, or is con den fed on hills,. produces fprings, and rivers, and returns to the fea. So the blood1 circulates through the body and returns to the heart. I r. II. 1.. Tides, 57· 2. Echinus, nautilus, pinna, caneer. Grotto of a mermaid. 65. 3· Oil flills the waves. Coral rocks. Ship-worm, or Teredo. Maelfirome, a whirlpool on the coafi: of Norway. 85 .. J.II. Rivers from beneath the fnows on the Alps. The Tiber. ro3 .. IV. Overflowing of the Nile £ron11 African l\1onfoons, I 29. V. I. Giefar,. a boiling fountain in Iceland, deftroyed by inundation, and: confequent earthquake, 14 5. 2. Warm medicinal fprings. Buxt! on. Duke and Duchefs of Devonfhire. I'57· VJ. Combination! . of vital air and inflammable gas produces water. Which is another fource of fiprinO's and rivers.. Allegorical loves of Jupiter and Juno b .fi produB:ive of vernal iliowers. 201. VII. Aqua,tic. Tafl:e.. Dt ant murmur of the fea by night. Sea-horfe.. Neretd fingmg. 26 I •. VIII. The N.ymphs of the river :Derwent lament the death of ~rs •. French, 29 7· IX. Inland navigation. Monument for Mr. Bnndley, 34r. X. Pumps explained. Child·~ fucking. Mothers e~lwrtedl to nurfe their children. Cherub fleepmg. 36 5· XI.. Engmes for extingui{hing fire. Story of two lovers 1 e1ifhing in. tl:e flames. 397· XII. Charities of Mifs Jones, 447· XIII. Marfhes dr;uned. Hercu· lcs couqucrs Achelous. The born of Plenty. 48 3· XlV. Showers •. |