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Show [ I 70 ] Sinks on the pillowy mofs her drooping head, And prints with lifelefs limbs her leafy bed. -On wings of Love her plighted Swain purfues_, Shades her from winds, and ihelters her from dews, 1 oo Extends on tapering poles the canvas roof, Spreads o'er the fhaw-wove matt the flaxen woof, Sweet buds and bloifoms on her bolfter ftrows , And binds his kerchiet round her aching brows ; Sooths v;ith foft kifs, with tender accents channs, 10 5 And clafps the bright Infeaion in his arms.- With pale and languid fmiles the grateful Fair Applauds his virtues, and rewards his care ; Mourns with wet cheek her fair companions Red On timorous ftep, or number' d with the dead ; Calls to her bofom all its fcatter' d rays, And pours on THYRSIS the colleCted blaze·, Braves the chill night, care.ffing and carefs' d, And folds her Hero-lover to her breafi.Lefs bold, LEANDER at the duiky hour Eyed, as he fwam, the far love-lighted tower ; 110 115 [ 171 ] Breafied with ftruggling arms the toiling wave, And funk benighted in the watery grave. Lefs bold, ToBIAs clai1n'd the nuptial bed Where feven fond Lovers by a Fiend had bled; And drove, inftruaed by his Angel-Guide, 120 The enamour' d Demon from the fatal bride.- SYLPHS! while your winnowing pinions fann' d the air, And ilied gay vifions o'er the ileeping pair; LovE round their couch effufed his rofy breath, And with his keener arrows ~onquer' d DEATH. 125 IV. I.'' You charm'd, indulgent SYLPHS t their learned toil, And crown'd with fame your ToRRICELL, and BoYLE; Tor,·ice!J and Boyle. l. 128. The preffure of the aunofphere was difcovered by Torricelli, a difciple of Galileo, who had previoufly found that the air had weight. Dr. Hook and M. DuHamel afcribe the invention of the air-pump to Mr. 'Boyle, who however confeffes he had fome hints concerning its conCl:ruCl:ion from De Guerick . The vacancy at the fummit of the barometer is termed the Torricel\ian vacuum, and lhe exhauCl:cd receiver of an air pump the Boylcan vacuum, in honour of thefe two philofophers. The mifl: and defcending dew which appear at firfl: exhaufling the receiver of an air-pump, are explained in the Phil. TranC. Vol. LXXVIU. from the cold produced Zl |