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Show I 190 ] " So, late defcry' d by HERSCHEL's piercing fight, Hang the bright fquadrons of the twinkling Night; 360 Ten thoufand madhall' d fiars, a £1 ver zone, Effufe their blended lufrres round her throne ; Suns call to funs, in lucid clouds confpire, And light exterior £kies with golden fire ; Refifilefs rolls the illimitable fphere, And one great circle forms the un1neafured year. -Roll on, YE STARS! exult in youthful pr~me, Mark with bright curves the printlefs fieps of Ti1ne ; Near and more near your beamy cars approach, And leffening orbs on leffening orbs encroach ;- 3 7 o Flowers of the £ky ! ye too to age mufi yield, Frail as your :G.lken fifiers of the field ! And ligh~ t ,\ferior. l. 364. I fufpeCl: this line is from Dwight's Con quell: of Canaan, a poem wntten by a very young man, and which contains much fine verfification. Near and more n(ar. l. 369. From the vacant fpaces in fome parts of the heavens, and the correfpondent cli1flers of fiars in their vicinity, Mr. Herfchel concludes that the nebul_re or confl:ellations of fixed flars are approaching each other, and mu£1: final!¥ .coalcfce m one mafs. Phil. Tranf. Vol. LXXV1 [ 191 J Star after fiar from Heaven'~ high arch :fhall ru{h,. Suns fink on funs, and fyfiems fyfiems cruili, Headlong, extinCt, to one dark centre fall, 3 7 5; And Death and Night and Chaos mingle all! -Till o'er the wreck, emerging from the :ll:orm, Immortal NATURE lifts her changeful form, Mounts from her funeral pyre on wings of flame; And [oars and ibines, another and the fame. 380' 2. '' Lo! on each SEED within its £lender rind Life's golden threads in endlefs circles wind ; Maze within maze the lucid webs are roll' d, And, as they burfl:, the living flame unfold .. 'Till o'er the wreck. 1. 377· The t1:ory of the phenix riling from its own arhes with a twinkling H:ar upon its head, feems to have been an antient hieroglyphic emblem of the deflruCl:ion and refufcitation of all things. There is a figure of the great Platonic year with a phenix on his hand on the reverfe of a medal of Adrian. Spence's Polym. p. 189. Maze within maze. l. 383. The elegant appearance on diffdlion of the young tulip,. jn the bulb was firfl: obferved by Mariette and is mentioned in the note on tulipa in · Vol. II. and was afterwards noticed by DuHamel. Acad. Scien. Lewenhoeck affures us that in the bud of a currant tree he could not only difcover tlte ligneous part but even the berries themfelves, appearing like fmall grapes. Chamb. Diet. art. Bud. Mr. Baker fays he diffetl:ed a feed of trembling graf5 in which a perfect plant appeared with |