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Show [ 82 J Firft her f weet eyes his Eagle-form beguiles, And HEBE feeds hitn with ambroftal fmiles ; Next the chang'd God a Cygnet's down affutnes, And playful LEDA fi11ooths his gloify plumes; Then glides a fil ver ferpent, treacherous gue{l: ! And fair OLYMPIA folds hi1n in her breafi ; Now lows a n1ilk-w hite Bull on Afric' s fl:rand~ And crops with dancing head the daify' d land.- With rofy wreathes EuRoPA's hand adorns 235 His fringed forehead, and his pearly horns ; 2 40· Light on his back the fportive Dan1fel bounds, And pleafed he moves along the flowery grounds ;.. Bears with flow ftep his beauteous prize aloof, Dips in the lucid flood his ivory hoof; Then wets his velvet knees, and wading laves. 245 :His filky fides amid the dimpling waves. tl:c nitrotts acid f~om pmc air and phlogiflic air, or azote; and carbonic acid~ (or fixed ~m,) frot_n pure a1r and charcoal. Some of thefe affinities were perhaps portrayed by t~e Magt of Egypt, who were probably learned in cbcmill:ry, in their hieroglyphic pttl:ures before the invention of letters, by the loves of Jupiter with terrell:rialladies •. And thus phyfically as well as metaphyfically might be faid" J ovis omnia plena.:' ( 83 ] While her fond train with beckoning hands d~plore, Strain their blue eyes, and fhriek along the ihore ; Beneath her robe fhe draws her fnowy feet, And, half-reclining on her ermine feat, 250 Round his raifed neck her radiant arms ilie throws, And refis her fair cheek on his curled brows ; Her yellow treifes wave on wanton gales, And bent in air her azure mantle fails. -Onward He tnoves, applauding Cupids guide, 2 55 And fkim on £hooting wing the :fl1ining tide ; Emerging Tritons leave their coral caves, Sound their loud conchs, and ftnooth the circling waves, Surround the timorous Beauty, as ilie fwims, And o-aze enamour' d on her :Giver limbs. 2 6o b Now Europe's fhadowy iliores with loud acclaim, Hail the fair fugitive, and ihout her name ; Soft echoes warble, whifpering forefl:s nod, .And confcious Nature owns the prefent God. Changed fro1n the Bull, the rapturous God aiftunc, ' llnmortal youth, with glow celefiial blo01ns 266 M 2 |