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Show 9'2 WINDS. NoTE XXXIII. SouTH-EAST WJ~DS confif1:, firf1:, of north-eaft winds become retrograde, conti~ued r J f fl:y or fair finking barom te r. 2. T hey confifl: ofnorth-ea t w1nds 10r a ay or two, ro ' , . formed into a vertical eddy not a fpiral one, froO: or fair. • . NoRTH WINDS confi !1, firft. of air f!ovving flowly from the north, fo tint they acqu1re the velocity of the earth's furface :~s th~y arpro:tch, ar~ fair or frofl:y, fc\dom occur. Th confift of retroarade fouth wwds; thefe C011ttnuc but a day or two, a1c pre- 2. ey ::> • d ceded by fonth-wcH winds; and are generally fucceeded by north-calt wmd , don y or rainy, barometer rifing. . . . SouTH WINDS confifl, firfl:, of air flowing Oowly from the fcntth, loflng the:tr prev10ns wdterly velocity by the fritl:ion of the earth's. furface as 1hny _a ppro;:~ch, moifl:, fe ldom occur. 2 . They e<mlifl: of re trograde north wmcls; thefc conttnuc but a day or two, are preced•_d bv no~th-cafl: winds, and generally fucceedecl by fuuth-wcf1: winds, colder, barometer !inking. EAST WINDS confirt of air brought haflily from the north, and not impelled farther fouthward, owin;; to a fudden beginning abforption of air in the northern regions, very cold, barometer high, generally fucceeded by fouth-wef1: wind. WEST WI DS confifl: of air brought haftily from the fon t h, and checked from pro-ceeding further to the north by a beginning produCli~n of air in the northern re_gions, warm and moi(t, generally fu cceedcd by north-eaft wmd. 2. They conllfl: of ;ur bent down from the higher regions of the atmofphere; if this air be from the fonth, and brought h:.~ftily, it becomes a wind of great velocity, moving per~Jps 6o m~les in a_n hour, is warm and rainy; if it conflfl:s of northern air bent down 1t IS of leis veloct ty aml colder. Application of tbe preceding '[beo~y to (ome Extra8s Jtom a Journal of the Wr·atber. Dec. r, 1790. The barometer funk fuddenly, and t~e wind, which had been lome days north-earl: with froft, changed to fouth -eaft with an incdfant though moderate fall of fnow. A part of the northern air, which had paift:d by us I fuppofe, now became ret rograde before it had acquired the volocity of the earth's furface to the fouth of m, and being attended by fame of the fouthern air in its j ourney, the moifl:ure of the latter became condenfed and frozen by its mixture with the former. Dec. 2, 3· The wind changed to north-welt and thawed the fnow. A part of the fouthern air, which had paffed by us or over us, with the retrograde northern air above defcribed, was now in its turn driven back, before it had loft the velocity of the furface of the earth to the fouth of us, and confequently became a north-weft wind; and not having loft the warmth it brought from the fouth produced a thaw. Dec. 4, 5· Wind changed to north-carl: with froft and a rifing barometer. The airfrom the north continuing to blow, after it had driven back the fouthern air as above defc ribeJ, bceamea north-eaft wind, having kfs velocity than the furface of the canh. in this climate, and produced fro(t from its coldncfs. NoTE XXXIII. WINDS. Dec. 6, 7· Wind now changed to the fouth-w 11: . I . rr . 93 b F k e Wtt 1 Incc·Iant ram anrt a linking arometer. rom un nown caufes I fuppofe the quantit 1· • · b . I I . . y o air to e dl mt{hed . t 1e po .tr regtono;, and the fouthern air cooled by tl , 1 , . fi r . In . . lc eart 1 ~ unace, wluch was revi ouny frozln, dep0fi ts ItS m01fturc for a thy or two · . f • d · p - {i h 0: . I . . , a t....rwar s the Wi11d continued out -we Wit lOut ram, as the furface of the canh became warmer. March 18, 1785. There ha~ b..:en a lonn- frofl:. a few d 1 r ~ ' ays a:~o t 1e 11 arometcr funk to 29 I • ::md the fr fl b-.'came more f..:verc Bec-ntfc th · '· · h r. . • , e a1r uemrr expanJed by . part of t e pre:lltre b;;mg taken Cl!F bLcame c0ldcr Th. 1 1 "' r ' . • 1 . . . • IS cay t 1e mercmy ro1e to 30, aud the f10!1 cca fed, t.1e '"1nd contiDUlnf! as before bctwc h d It .., . . o en non an ea . March 1q. Mer-cury allllve .)o, wc:1thcr (bll ml!der, no frol1 ' wind north-ea(~ . J~v"Ja rc h 20. Th e fame forth I\.-1r;r-:tll )' rtfin , tlJcws that the ..tir becomes more comp em I b I . I ' I . r . r ec Y tnc we1g1t above anc In cnntt qllen, e giVl'S out \1 armth. April~ . 5· Fwl1, wind north-eafl, the wind changed in the middle of the d t 1 h f1: · 1 · ay o t 1e nor! -w.e w1t out ra111, and has <.lone fo for three or fcur da.y .s, be co m·m gagam· nort11 - eafl: at .~ 1ght. F:lr the fu1~ JYlW ivi ng greater degrees of heat, the air afcends as the ftm p::t•Tcs thezemth, and ts fuppli ed bd •>w by the air on the wefiern fide as well as on the eaf1:ern fide of the zenith dllfi n·r the hot p trt of the d·ty. whence c0 c 1 • => ' ' ' Ji r a 1ew lOurs, on the ~pproach of the hot part ot the day, the air acquires a we!lerly direCtion in this longttude. If the north-wef1: wind had been caufed by a retrograde motion of fome fouthe~n air, which had pafied over us, it would have be~natt,nded with rain or clouds. ilpnl Io It rained all day ye!~erday, the wind nf) ith-weft, this morning there was a fhar~ frofl:. The cva_poration of the moifl:ure, (which fell ydl:erday) occafioned by the continuance of the Wind, produced fo much~old as to freLZC the dew. JV!a! I~· Frequent ~!t owers \1 ith a urrcnt of colder wind preceding every fh~wcr. The !Jnkmg of the ram or cloud pref1ed away the air from beneath it in its defcent which hnving bce:n for a time lhatk:d from the fun by tile floating cloud, became coule~ in fomc degree. June 20. The barometer funk, the wind became fouth-weft, and the whole heaven W:JS. inftantly covered with clonds. A p~rt of the incumbent atmofphere having van1 fhed, as appeared by the finking of the barometer, the remainder bec:une expanded by its elaf!icity, and thence attrafred lome of the matter of hrat from the vapour intermixed with it, and thn~ in a few minutes a total d.:vaporation took place, as in exhanfling the receiver of an air-pump. Sec note XXV. At the place where the air is def1:royed, currents both from the north and fouth flow in to fupply the deficiency, (for it has been !hewn that there are no other proper winds but th efe two) and the mixture of thefc winds produces fo fudden condenfation of the moiflure, both by the coldnefs of the northern air and the cxp:lnfion of both of them, that lightning is given out, and an incipient tornado takes place; whence thunder is faid frequently to approach againlt the wind. .!luguji 28, 1732. Parometcr was at 3r, and Dec. 30, in the fame year, it was at 28 2-tenths. Medical EITay:, Edinburgh, Vol. II. p. 7· It appears from thefcjournals that the mercury at EJinburgh varies fometimes nearly three inches, or one tenth of |