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Show 98 ZOOLOGY OF THE VOYAGE OF TilE BEAGLE. beneath the body pale dusky green, somewhat darker on the breast and sides ; uropygium yellowish-green. Three specimens of this species are contained in the British Museum, ex-hibiting male, female, and young. 2. AGLAIA VITTATA. Tanagro. vittata., Temm. Pl. col. Maldonado; not common. PIPILLO PERSONATA. Swains. PLATE XXXV. P. pcrsonata, Swains. Two cent. and a quart. p. 311. Maldonado; not common. The stomach of one, which I shot, contained seeds. EMBERIZOIDES POLIOCEPHALus. G. R. Gmy. E. olivaceus, dorsi plurnis medio nigro striatis; capite guldque cinereis, p1·iore plumis singulis, medio nigroslriatis; corpore infm rufescenti albo; ltypoclwndriis lectricibus caudt:e inferioribus obscurio1·ibus ; alaru'm margine late .fiava, remigibus primariis secundariisque nigris; prio1·ibus pallide olivaceo, posterioribus olivascente jlavo late marginal is. Long. tot. 7 ~ unc.; alw, 3§; caudw, 4; tarsi, lz; roatri, 8 lin. Olivaceous, with the feathers of the back marked down the middle with black; the head and throat cinereous, with each feather of the former streaked down the middle with black; beneath the body rufous white, darker on the flanks and under tail coverts ; the border of the wings bright yellow ; the secondaries and primaries black, the former broadly margined with pale olive, the latter with bright olivaceous yellow; base of bill dusky orange. Habitat, northern shore of the Plata. (May and A 'ugust.) This bird is common both near Monte Video and Maldonado, in swamps. Stomach full of seeds : it makes a shrill loud cry: its flight is clumsy, as if its tail were disjointed. F AM.-COCCOTHRAUSTIN 1E. GENus, GEOSl'IZA, Gould. Corporis figura brevissima, et robusla. Rostrum magnum, robustum, validum, altitudine longitudinem prmstante ; culrnine arcttato et capitis verticem superante, apice sine denliculo, late'l'ibus turnidis. Naribus basalibus et semitectis plumisj'l'ontalibus. |