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Show 78 ZOOLOGY OF TilE VOYAGE OF TilE BEAGLE. acute, but not loud, rapidly reiterated cry. They are active and busily seek for small insects, chiefly Coleoptera, in the coarse herbage. The iris in all is rusty red; the tongue is divided and terminates in bristly points. These reed birds, which are very numerous both in species and individuals, on the borders of lakes in the provinces north of the Plata, appear to supply in South America, the various Sylvire, which frequent similar stations in Europe. 5. SYNALLAXIS l?LAVOGULARIS. Gould. Plato XXIV. S. supmfuscescenti cine1·eus, infra cinereo-fuscus; remigibus obscurefuscis, basi obscm·e rufis; caudce pl~tmis sex mediis nig1·o-juscis, exlernis je1-rugineis; genis guldque flavescentibus, plum is singulis a pice obscu,re Jus cis. Long. tot. 6! uno; rost. ~ ; alm, 2! ; caudm, 8J1 ; tarsi, t ; Head and all the upper surface, brown; primaries, dark brown, with the basal portions mfous; six central tail-feathe•·s, blackish brown; the remainder ferruginous ; sides of the face and throat yellowish, with the tip of each feather dark brown ; the remainder of the under surface, greyish brown ; bill and feet, dark brown. Habitat, Patagonia. My specimens were obtained at Bahia Blanca and at Santa Cruz, two extreme parts of Patagonia. It frequents the thinly scattered thickets on the arid plains: the hind claw of its foot is not produced as inS. rufogulm·is, and it lives less on the ground. 6. SYNALLAXIS BRUNNEA. Gould. S. pal/ide 1·ubrojusca; p1·imariis secundariisque rufis apicefuscis; caudtE plumis quatuor mediis nigrescenti fuscis, duabus proximis ferrugineo fttscis intend; nigrescenti- ma1·ginatis, duab1ts extimis ferrugineo fuscis; genis, gultl abdomineque medio albescenlibus; ltypoclwndr·iis cine1·eis. Long. tot. 5l4:Z i uno. rost. -hi alw, 2-.ft; caudco, a ; tarsi, H· Head and all the upper surface pale reddish brown ; primaries and secondaries, brown at the tip and rufous at the base ; four central tail feathers, blackish brown; the next on each siue rusty brown, margined internally with blackish orown ; the two lateral feathers wholly rusty brown ; sides of the face, throat, and centre of the abdomen, whitish; flanks cinereous; bill and feet brown. Habitat, Port Desire, Patagonia. (Janum·y.) |