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Show BIRDS. 95 I. PASSER JAGOENSIS. Gould. PLATE XXXI. Pyrgita Jngocnsis, Gould, Proc. of Zoo!. Soc. 1837. p. 77. P. summo capite, et maculd pm·vlt gulari intense nigrescenti-juscis; strigd superciliari, collo, lmmeris dorsoque intense castaneis, hujus plumis strigdfuscd centmli notatis; alis caudaque brunneis, tect1·icibus alm·um minoribus albis, qui color fasciam transversam effie it : lined angustd albd a nare ad oculum; genis corporeque subtz}s albis, ltoc colore in cinereum ad latera t1·anseunte: 1·ost1·o, pcdibusquefuscis. Long. tot. 5 unc.; caudm, 2! ; alm, 2t ; rost. k; tm·si, i· Crown of the head and a small mark on the throat intense blackish brown, with a stripe on the eyebrows, the neck, shoulders and back bright chestnut, tlw feathers of the latter marked with a central dusky streak ; wings and tail brown, with the smaller wing coverts white, forming a transverse bar; a narrow white line from the nostrils to the eye; cheeks and under side of body white, this colour passing into grey on the sides; beak and feet dusky. Habitat, St. Jago, Cape Verde Islands (January). This is the commonest bird in the island; it frequents, generaiiy in small flocks, both the neighbourhood of houses and wild uninhabited spots. It was building its nest townrds the end of August. 2. PASSER HISPANIOLENSIS. G. R. Gmy. Fringilla Ilispaniolcnsis, Temm. Jl.fan. i. 353. In the month of January I obtained a specimen of this bird from St. Jago, one of the Cape Verde Islands, where it was not common. 1. CnLOROSl'IZA? MELA.NODERA. G. R. Gray. P LATE XXXII. Emberiza molanodera, Quo!}~· Gaim. Voy. de L'Uranie, Zool. i. p. 109. C. flavescenti olivacea; dorso superiori cinereo nifoque mix to,· vm·tice, ~uribus, .cvlli lateribus pectoreque cinereis rzifmnixtis; lined d naribus pone octtlos transzente ge1tlSfJ~l.e ulbis ; plurnis inter 1·ostr ttm et oculos O'ltldque ab·is; 1·emigibus prirnariis et secnndarm n~gTescentibus jlavo marginatis: ca::da 1·ectricibus mediis olivaceo-jitscis, t1·i~us. e.vternis fere toto pall ide flavis; abdomine medio jlavescenti albo, lateribus obscunorlbus. Long. tot. 6~ unc.; alw, a~ ; cauda>, 2f ; tat·si, 10 lines ; rostri, 5 lin. Adult. Yellowish olive, mixed with grey and rufous on the upper part of the back |