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Show 90 ZOOLOGY OF TilE VOYAGE OF TilE BEAGLE. Sun-FAM.-FRINGILLINJE. 1. AMMODRAMUS LONGICAUDATUS. Gould. PLATE XXIX. A. vertice ltumeroque cinereofuscis, dorso pallescenti fusco, u'ropygio rufescenti fusco tinclo, plurnis singulis strigd medilt fused; tectricibus alarum majoribus, remigilms primariis secundm·iisque et cauda nig1·escentibus, cinereo albo externe marginatis; fronte, striga superciliari corporeque infi·ajlavescentibus. Long. tot. 5~ unc.; olw, 2~ ; caudw, a; tarai, i; rost?'i, 1°6 • Crown of the head and shoulder, greyish brown; back, light brown, tinged with reddish brown on the rump, and with a stripe of dark brown down the centre of each feather; greatet· wing-coverts, primaries, secondaries, and tail blackish, margined externally with greyish white; forehead, stripe over the eye, and all the under surface, buff; bill black; feet brown. Yonng, or a bird after gaining its new plumage, differs in having the whole of the uppet• surface rich brown, with a tinge of olive and with a stripe of dark brown down each feather, and in having the wing coverts margined with reddish instead of greyish brown. Habitat, Monte Video (November), Maldonado (June). At Maldonado this bin.l frequented, in small flocks, reeds and other aquatic plants bordel'ing lakes. In general habits, as well as in place of resort, it resembles those species of Synallaxis and Limnornis, with which it is often associated. 1t appears to live entirely on insects, and I found in the stomach of one which I opened various minute Coleoptera. Mr. Gould remarks, that the structure of this Amrnodramus is vet·y remarkable, for that it has a great general resemblance both in form and colouring to Synallaxis, although the thickness of its bill shows its relation to the Fringillime. In its habits it certainly is more allied to the former genus, than to its own family. 2. AMMODRAMus MANil\IBE, G. R. Gmy. PLATE XXX. Ammodramus xnuthornus, in Plate, and in Gould's MS. Fringilln Mnnimue, Liclit., Cat. No. 253. Embcrizn, Manimbe, lYOrb. 4' Lafr., Syn. p. 77. Manimbe, Azara, No. 141. My specimen was obtained from Maldonado. |