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Show BIRDS. f.JJ 1. ZoNOTRICHIA MATUTINA. G. R. Gmy. Fringilla mntutina, Licltt, Cat. 25. ------ J(ittl. Kupfortafeln dcr Vogel, pl. 23. f. 3. Tanagra ru.ficollii, Spi:JJ, Av. Sp. Nov. ii. t.liii. f. a. p. 30. Chingolo, .Azara, No. 135, Chingolo Bunting, Latlt. lli1t. I procured specimens of this species from the banks of the Plata, Bahia Blanca in Northern Patagonia, and from Valparaiso in Chile : in these countries it is perhaps the commonest bir·d. In the Cordillera, I have seen it at an elevation of at least 8000 feet. It genera11y prefers inhabited places, but it has not attained the air of domestication of the English sparrow, which bird in habits and general appearance it represents. It does not go in flocks, although several may be frequently seen feeding together. At Monte Video I found on the ground the nest of this species. It contained three eggs; these were .75 of an inch in length; form, rather rounded; colour, dirty white, with numerous small spots of chesnut and blackish brown, almost confluent towards the broadest end. It was in this nest that I found the parasitic egg, supposed to belong to a species of Molothrus, described in my journal.* 2. ZoNOTRICHIA CANICAPILLA. Gould. Z. vert ice cinerea; loris 1·egioneque parotic& obscta·efuscis: dorsa collique lateribus 1'lifis, dorsa superiori et u1·opygio fuscis; dorso media nigrescenti fusco, plwnis singulis pallido fusco marginatis; tect1·icibus alm·mn nig1·escentijuscis, rufescentefusco marginatis, apice albis, duasfascias obliquas trans alarwnformantihus. Long. tot. 5o unc.; alcv, 2~ ; caudw, 2~; tarsi,~; t•ostt·i, !· Crown of the head grey ; lores and ear-coverts dark brown ; back and sides of the neck rufous; upper part of the back and rump brown ; centre of the back blackish brown, each feather margiued with light brown ; wing-coverts blackish brown, margined with reddish brown, and tipped with white, forming two oblique bands across the wing; primaries, secondaries, and tail, dark brown, margined with greyish brown; throut and all the under surface brownish grey ; and feet brown. Habitat, Port Desire in Patagonia, and Tierra del Fuego. This species is not uncommon in Tierra del Fuego, wherever there is any open • Journal of Researches during tl1o Voyage of the Beagle, P· GO. |