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Show 92 ZOOLOGY OF THE VOYAGE OF TllE BEAGLE. space. Of the few birds inhabiting the desert plains of Pata~onia, this is the most abundant. At Port Desire I found its nest : egg, about .83 m length ; form somewhat more elongated than in that of the last species; colour, pale green, almost obscured by minute freckles and clouds of pale dull red. 3. ZoNOTRICHIA STRIGICEPS~ Gould. Z. capite castaneo, lined medid obscure diviso, plumis singttlis strid medid nigrojitscd, ltUmeri fiexurd rtifd; corpm·e supra fuscescenle, plumis singulis st1·id laid media obscurefuscd ; remigibus, primariis caudaque nigro-fuscis pallide fusco mm-ginalis; striga supercilim·i, faciei collique lateribus, guld pectore abdmnineque medio cinereis ; lq;poclwndriis tegminibusque caudce iuje1·ioribus jlavescentibus. Long. tot. 51 unc.; rost1·i, ~; al(1), 2~; cattdaJ, 2!; tarsi, ft. Head chestnut, divided down the middle by a line of deep grey, each feather with a stripe of blackish brown down the centre ; point of the shoulder rufous ; the remainder of the upper surface light brown, with a broad stripe of dark browu down the centre of each feather ; primaries and tail brown ; secondaries blackish brown, margined all round with pale brown ; stripe over each eye, sides of the face and neck, throat, breast, and centre of the abrlomen, grey ; flanks and under tail-coverts buff; upper mandible black ; under mandible light horn colour; feet brown. - Habitat, Santa Fe. Lat. 31° S. (October.) This species appears to replace in this latitude the Z. matutina, which is so abundant on the banks of the Pinta and in Chile, as that species does the Z. canicapilla of Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego. pASS ERIN A JACARINA. Vieil/. Tanagra jacarina, Linn. Passcrina jacarina, Vieill. Ency. Meth. p. 033. Embcriza jacarina, D'Orb. ~· Laf1',, Syn. Lo Sautcur, Azam, No. J 38. Eupbone jacarina, Licht. Cat. p. 30. Fringilla splendens, Vieill. Ency. 1>• 981 1 I procured a specimen of this bird at Rio de Janeiro. BIRDS. 1. FRINGILLA DrucA. Mol. Fringilla Diuca, Kittl. Mem. do St. Potersb. t. i. pl. 11. ----- Mag. qc Zool. 1837, pl. 69. Emboriza Diuca, D'Orb. et Lafr. Syn. Mag. of Zoo!. 1838, f. 77. fJ.'l This bird is very common on the coast of Chile, from the humid forests of Chiloe to the desert z:nountains of Cop~ap6. In Chiloe it is perhaps the most abundant of the land bHds ; south of Cbtloe I never saw it, although the nature of the country does not change them. On the eastern side of the continent I met ~i~h thi~ bird only at the Rio Negro, in northem Patagonia. I do not' believe 1t mhab1ts the sh.ores of. the Plata, although so common in the open country, under correspondmg latitudes west of the Cordillera. 'l'he Diuca as this Fringilla is calle~ in Chile: generally moves in small flocks, and fre~uents, although not exclusively, cultivated ground in the neighbourhood of houses: habits very similar to those of the Zonotricltia matutina. During incubation, the male. 1.1tt~rs. two or three pleasing notes, which Molina has in an exaggerated liescriptiOn called a fine song. In October, at Valparaiso, I found the nest of this bird ~n the trellis-work of a vineyard, close by a much frequented path. The nest IS shallow, and about six inches across; the outer part is very coarse, and composed of. the thin stalks of twining plants, strengthened by the husky calices of .a composite flower; this outside part is lined by many pieces of rag, thread, strmg, tow, and a few feathers. Eggs rather pointed, oval, ·94 of an inch in length; colour, pale dirty green, thickly blotched by rather pale dull-brown, which small blotches and spots become confluent, and entirely colour the broad end. 2. FRINGILLA GAY!. Eyd. <f Gerv. Fringilla Gayi, E!Jd. <t Gor'D. Mag. de Zool. 1834. pl. 23. Emboriza Gayi, var. D'Orb. ~· Lafr. Syn. p. 7G. This Fringilla, which was first brought from Chile, is abundant in the southern parts of Patagonia. 3. FRINGILLA FORMOSA. Gould. F. fronte lm·isque nig1·is; vertice, genis, guld, alarum tegminihus cceruleo g1·iseis, legminibus primariis, secundariis rectricibusque g1·iseo-nigris, ccerulescenti-griseo marginatis, dorso jlavescenti castaneo; tegminibus cmtdalihus inferioribus pallide griseis; uropygio pectore ahdomine ltypocltondriisq?te satumle jlavis. Long. tot. 5~ unc.; al(1), 3t; caud(1), 2~ ; tarsi, ~· ; rost1·i, ~· Forehead and lores black ; crown of the head, sides of tl1e face, throat, wing |