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Show PROGRAMMES OF BALLETS. 407 H e adds, that the culprit is arrested, and that he is waiting the decision of the council. Orsano and several other senators condemn him to death. Rosamond affirms that there is another criminal to punish, which is herself, who is the accomplice of her husband. General surprise! She contradicts her statement of the cause of Vivaldi's return, and owns her share in all his projects, and that she entertains the same sentiments. Her father endeavours to excuse her to the senators. An officer runs in and informs the senate that Vivaldi has just been forcibly rescued by a senator. Rosamond throws herself on her knees and expresses her joy. A general murmur is excited through the assembly to know the chief of the faction. Alfieri appears. Another movement of surprise is excited. The friend of Vivaldi justifies himself by stating the virtues of the latter, the injustice of his arrest, and his wish to avoid committing a crime in the senate. Rosamond returns him her acknowledgments. The Doge threatens Alfieri with his anger, orders him to be seized; and obliges them both to retire. A loud noise is now heard, and Vivaldi, in the dress of Abelino, and followed by soldiers dressed as bandits, appears. H e revives the courage of his wife and friend. All testify their surprise, each in his own particular manner. Several senators on the side of the Doge go to oppose Vivaldi, who takes possession of his pistols, and threatens death to the first w ho moves. He declares his intention to bestow a new chief on the republic, and throws a glance at Orsano, who supports this resolve. The Doge is amazed and alarmed. Vivaldi names the conspirators, to the indignation of the Doge. The senators on the side of Orsano proclaim him Doge, a choice to which those who favour the cause of the Doge refuse 26* |