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Show Ih Sharia Wadi el-Nil Maadi - Egypt February 18, 1955 Dear Professor Cameron: It is needless to say how happy we were here at this end to have received you and ma.de your personal acquaintance. We only regret that your visit to Egypt was all too short. But, as you have said, we may have the opportunity to make up for that at'Ann Arbor, I hope that by now you have arrived home after a pleasant journey, and that ycu have found lira* Cameron in better condition. Here we are all very well. I am as busy as ever? and very soon I have to begin preparing for Beirut. On my return, if all goes well with the project of my visit to Michigan, I should be constantly getting ready for America. My varied liabilities and personal affairs will have to be straightened and left in good working order. Yesterday, the Executive Officer of the Fulbright Foundation fphoned to nay that his Hoard feed decided against subsidising a second trip to America siisee their funds were running out. He also informed me that yon had written to him and that he was going to communicate the aforementioned decision. It is just as well "to know where we stand at this early date in order that we may be able to looic into our means. Since we shall be travelling four, it is normal that I should seek the most reasonable transportation which is usually the longest and will 'take even a longer time to find and reserve,, It would therefore seem desirable to have details and decisions at the earliest possible convenience. Do I expect to have a letter from the University, or should I start my arrangements as soon as I hear from yon? If the University or any other organisation is allowing for my transportation, will a global sum be paid to me on arrival, or will this.be reimbursed, piecemeal with the salary? What arc the possibilities of an all-round reasonable house? It will be helpful to know the answer to these questions, I understand that I should have s letter in triplicate from the University to be presented to the American Consulate* for a visa and to the Passport Department for an exit visa. Perhaps you could arrange for these to reach me in due course. Though I look forward tilth much pleasure to the T'ichigan visit, I only hope that that visit will in no way be a source of trouble to you. Already I feel guilty for giving you the above questions to answer, With every good wish. Very sincerely yours, Azis S. Atiya Professor George G. Cameron President - Hear Sast Institute University of iSLchigan Ann Arbor - Mich. |