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Show C9 (The average flow of the Duchesne Biver dur ing August aa determined froa the U. 2. leologicol fxxurrvy records ia about 500 second feet. P3I0B EIGHTS.- 'i'he ancunta of the above flow claimed by the United otatae for the Uintah iroject, appears in tho xbllosdng table: gigSR 2ILI323? UIITiAH P70J2C2. - CABAL PIL2_ 2T0. HIV23 T T , • j;,\-i ;i» v l*.V iJ __._!._. ._ ali..1_S__ta_« State of _?n_i33. Deep Creek, ?ara Creek, Uintah, vfi&ter ccks. Bench Dry Gulch, Lakefork, liyton Townsite, 1. a dcap onla rg. 11,7 ton To-ansite, liytcn ToTaaalte, "fort Dncheane, Dry Gulch, Leland 2eno h, Ouray School, Henry Jim, ?ahcease Grey fountain, drey -fountain, Lake Pork, "Dry Gulo h,' Yannawoods^ Jasper i'ike, Strawberry '2.2, RSItVrSaHw bSeYrSrfyf Sa2 .3. 264 555 256 357 253 359 360 r» « A •JO"* 366 281 382 333 205 236 237 333 596 595 397 402 403 411 413 413 414 W W + ._y • oc_ca Uintah Whiterooks Uintah Lake Dork Lake ^'ork Due 'ho ana Lake fork, DIM he SIB Due he en e Uintah Lake Fork, Duchesne '.! Uintah, DIXJ heane Duchesne Duo he sne Lake ffork, Lake i'ork, Duchesne, Due he an©, Duchesne, DucheBne, 105 75 53 ICO 143 " 50 110 12 20 15 10 20 45 50 13 52 15 20 10 3 sf rt f;y2iAR1 01? 33. 7 8 " ,1323 7630 2240 5 of 10120 47 39 3580 6050 10 COO 5260 1C0C0 ,820 1340 1280 7160 1380 5430 6240 1720 5440 12C0 I1CO 590 150 1500 260 600 Bf ii tr It tt tt It 5t rt it it it it •t it tt it rt !> II A__iOU__ra fflLZD fO:i. AACUI'I' CL-YIUED A3 OLD i>L0T_ 6-13-05 6-12-05 5-13-06 6-12-05 6-15-05 n 5-29-05 6-27-05 i» it rt TT t( 7-5-06 it rt 7-10-05 it 7-25-05 ii '. Sotal Duchesne Biver, Lake tfork Biver, Uintah Biver, 240 383 260.5 * sec. it ft. «t ______ *-* -HulT. 5 89 53 47 ±es-sec. ft. 298 383 307.5 . 213 l21U.h |