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Show 30 DCDf OP WA2EB:- In an irrigated region, the adequacy of tha water 3ur>ply 13 dotermined or measured by tho iity of ?rater prevalent in that particular section* The duty of ^sater may be defined simply aa the amount of water required to uaturo a crop. Ihe amount of water n-soess^ry to plant-growth varies with the roglon, the nature of tha crop, and *w ith tha time of the seaijoa whan the v-atar is applied, is a rule tho d.cand is light in the first part cf the swason, heavy in 'the middle =nd gradually diminishes until the crop is made or harvested. I'hers sT» many e;xc-»o ticna to this rule hoviever, as, for Instance, isll wheat, which during a dry season requires heavy irrigation in tho early spring, and sugar beets which demand a large ..mount of stater d-:rln.-; the late sunnier. In oath State where irri.^ixion is practiced, somo definite ratio ia assumed as the duty; this ratio of wat car to land is supposed to be that required to aatura the average crop. In Utah, the State in granting water rights states that ono 3<soo:cd foot of water may be diverted for each sweaty aores of land irrigated, and all of th«* vs&ter filings on the Uintah Project • ' have bam made on this b'X3is. It is t <B duty of son a State official, usually 81 the State Engineer, to Xs*p a record cf all water |