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Show I I 79 o f sup ,dly. LOV; WA3.JER:- Occasionally under this method a drought will occur that may oausa acme hardship, but to baas a pro .j sot on the minimum low-water supply, tfculd involve economic- waste, and if the practice T/ere general, the waste would ba enormous, as there is scarcely a stream in tha West that doea not suffer an occasional period of oxsreiae low-water* On the other hand it vjould be equal gaily to base a project on tha high watsr, aa during normal or avoraga periods the entira projsct v?ould asffar a vaiter shortage. Drought also occurs in tho East where it is often mora disaateroua than where irrigation Is practiced. If tha fanners in either section were to refrain from planting because the section lad at some time experienced a period of drought, "there would ba very little farming done, as thf.ro is scarcely a section that on. boast of being entirely free from tha trouble. It is a ris-c that farmers must continue to talcs, a3 it is inherent in fanning. Past aspartame oheva that abno___aal years of low water flow may be expected on the Uintah Project on an average of three to each twenty year period. -Ihosa will undoubtedly 7.or_c 3oma hardship, but it ia a ri-*__; that 13 no t "oaouliar tc the Uintah 3aa in. |