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Show 73 The United ^tatee also contributes a certain amount of -saate water from its oanals, and while it ia evident that the amount of tho water is relatively small as compared with that of the f>ry ^uloh Irrigation Company, tho definite ratio oan only be determined by extensive investigation. It ia suggested that an effort be mado to secure an o^tension of time of submitting "proof of beneficial ussw on thia land, in tha hope that some means may be diaoovered to protect it. Morally, the United States is reauonaible for a oortain amount of tha damagea, aad O'luity dananda that it bear ita share of tha rea-ponsibility, Heithar can tha Indians or tho United ctates in thoir behalf be a:rpeoted to bear the full oosta of the daaiagea, for which it is only partly responsible. Jefora any solution of the difficulty can ba effected, tha relative reaponaibility of the United States and the Dry Crash Company must be determined. V/ith thi a data, the Dry Gulch Cora-nany might ba induced to cooperate with the United Eta-tea, either to buy the flooded land at a cost to enable tha payment of the Indiana, and the refund of the purchase price, or in tho event it proves oheaper to esoavate a drainage channel of sufficient sioo to protect It* 7^ |