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Show 56 REPORT OF THE OOMMSSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. I therefore submitted the bids to the Department with the recom-melidation that August Anderson's be accepted, which was complied with under date of May 5, 1894, and the agent so notified. The amount, $5,656.82, was duly paid to Agent Savage and will be applied as follows: After all expenses, such as scaling, advertising, etc., are deducted, and 10 per cent for the stumpage or poor fund, the balance will be paid to the Indians who banked the shingle bolts. I While in many instances higher prices were paid for logging this season than in previous years, yet on the whole the Indians didnot earn so much, aud they are not fully satisfied in regard to the proceeds of their timber operations, thinking that they should r'esnlt in a great \ deal nlore to their credit in the Treasury. I have therefore made this statement full to show that the Department and this office have endeavored to do the best possible for them in every case. Lac du Flambeau Reservation, Wig.-In my annual report for 1893, I gave an accouut of the elforts made by this office and the Depart-ment in 1891 and 1892 to dispose of.the dead and down timber on the uuallotted lands of the Lac du Flambeau Reservation, in order to afford relief to the Indians thereof who were in a destitute condi-tion. I also reported the fact that September 28,1892, the President / authorized the acceptance of a proposal from Messrs. J. H. Cushway & Co., of Ludington, Mich., to operate a saw and shingle mill upon leased property OIL the reservation, they agreeing to purchase the tim-ber on the allotted lands of the reserve and the dead alld down timber on $he unallotted lands, at prices favorable to the Indians, and so far as practicable to employ Indians to the exclusion of white men for \ logging a , ~fdor work in the mill. The authority of September 28,1892, permitted the Indians who had previously received allot~neuts to sell their timber to Messrs. Cushway & Co. There were at that time eighty-nine allottees, and up.to the date of my last report contracts had been made by Mcssrs. Cushway & Go. with all but eleven of them. Their allotments, how- . ever, had been already largely cut over by timber purchasers and dep-redators. / March 9,1894, the President approved a list of eighty-fonr new allot-ments on this reservation, and April4,1894, upon the recommendation. of thisoffice and the Departmeut, he extended the authority of Septem- . ( 'her 28, 1892, so as to cover these new allotme~ltsa lso. Since that time Messrs. Cnshway & Do., having filed a new bond with surety to cover their ol~erationso n the reservation, have entered into contract with all of these new allottees and with six of the old allottees with whom no contracts had previously been made, so that al! the allottees on this reservation except five have nom agreed to sell their timber to Messrs. Cushway S; Do. On the approval by this office of each contract with an allottee they are bound under their contract to pay such allottee $50, and annually thereafter, until tue timber is cut, 5 per centum of the |