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Show REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. 39 TABLE 11.-l"~tdS 8et apart on Indian rrservationa for the use of reliBwve sodefies from August $4, 1893, to August W, 1894-Continued. EvangslicalL~utheranQ, eneralSynodof Wisconsin. Plymouth Congrega%ioua..l ........................ protastant Episoopal.. ............................. DO. ........................................... United Presbyterian ............................... prote-st mt Epiaoopal ................................ Sari Carlos, Ariu. Cheyenne and Arapaho, Okla. Pine Xidge S. Dak. Rosebud s: Dak. Varm Sinings. Ore&. White Es*rtl!, Minu. Xa~qjo. N. Mex. White Enth, Minn. Oneida, Via. Blackfeet. xont. Fort Berthold, N. Uak. * Enongh land to eatabliah s misaionrrq hospital. Amannt not stated. t Granted iu lRBl to the Toman'a NationalIndian Association, but surrendered by them in fffor of%be Methodiat Episcop&l Church. In each of the above cases the amount of land assigned is the amount asked for by the society desiring to occupy it. It is customary also to allow to sueh societies the use for buildiug purposes of stone or timhsr found on the respective reservations. A table giving all the lauds on Indian reservations so set apart for missionary purposes will be found on page 470. Indians have rarely withheld eonsent for sueh use of their lands. As far as the office is concerned, missionary work among Indians by any and all denomiuatio~ls has its hearty consent and encouragement, and all suitable faoilit.ies for its prosecution are cordially extended. Among the places named in the above table are several points where missionary'labors are this year being undertaken for the first time. It in gratifying to note the spread of such work onto new ground as well as its continuance on the older fields. RAILROADS ACROSS RESERVATIONS. GRANTS SINCE LAST ANNUAL REPORT. Since the date of the last annual report, Congress has granted the follomiug railroad companies rights of way across Indian lands: Indian and Oklahoma Territories.-Kansas, Oklal~omaC entral and South-western Railway Company.-By act of Congress approved December 21, 1893 (Public, No. 9, and p. 424 of this report), the Kansas, Oklahoma Central and Soutllwestern Railway Company was granted right of way through the Indian and Oklahoma Territories, including lands that have been allotted to Indians in severalty or reserved for Indian pur-poses, beginning at any point to be selected by said railway company on the south line of the St.ate of Kansas, in the county of Montgom-ery, and running thence by the most practicable route through the Indian Territory to the west line thereof, thence in a south or south-westerly direction by the most practicable route into and through Oklahoma Territory to a point on the Texas State line and on Red River between said State of Texas and the Comanehe and Apache |