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Show t is that we hate to offer to Belgium has so tremendous a stake, and thereforei for the great achievement whzch not merely our admiration, but our gratitude, . . ‘ aieeom lished. prtee tvlnelzthe people the upon s word ent eloqu in dwelt 'quess {iihelziihble .lltii achievements. It has three been of Belgimn have had to pay for these great the zchole-hear.oil-sympathy a terrible priee. We can, at any rate, after to them this: evhatetter else may say lffo myse upon talze of our people. And I will 771 which there will be no rear a is it happen during the eourse of the tear-land can happen which will hing -not arms of feats great and des doubt stirring episo uet of Belgium in this eonu' the than ry more effort public opinion in this count episode will remain that tten, forgo is else et'er Il'hat time. of d short perio JE there is not a b€llB7 I ry. count this e of gra'eeit upon the hearts of the peopl ess of time we fulln the m that pray not does who n it n withi woma or man tude, the sym- grati the of deeds our by proof ieal may be able to give pract ng to express pat/1y, and the admiration which in feeble words ice are seeki ng. this writi tltltltllllw By THE RT. IION. SIR ROBERT BORDEN By (fable l‘()l{ the crime of defending its territories against unprovoked invasion by a l'owrr pledged to hold them inviolatc, Belgium has, with supreme fortitude, endured sullierings and sacrifices almost surpassing the imagination and moving all humanity to an infinite compassion. As long as the Love of Liberty shall endure, as long as the character and greatness of a nation shall be measured by its ideals, the valour and heroism. the faith and devotion of the Belgian People and of their King shall dwell in the memory of men, and shall be the exemplar and inspiration, not of Belgium alone, but of the world. By ]()llf\' REDMONI) 'l'l lli lrish nation has many strong and tender ties with Belgium. We owe her a debt of gratitude for the past, and there is no nation in the world Much has been more proloundly touched than Ireland bV the extraordinarv gallantry ot' the Belgian people and their brave Sovereign. We Irishmeil ate all glad to know that men of our race have been at the front helping lleligium to defend her integrity and independence and Ircland sends to lung Albert an expression of her deepest sympathynnd admiration. |