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Show United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service Soil and Water Conservation Research Division *'. C. Salinity Laboratory Riverside, California Location and Description Collectors No. 3. ALAMO SCHOOL Well. IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT. NE corner, Tr. 78, T. 16 S., R. 16 E. Depth, 1,000 feet; not perforated; 4-inch casing *r-discharge, 4 gpm. Moderate flow, Domestic, school and store supply. Water Sample No. 7246. Collected March 29, 19S3"by F. A. Cox and H. K. Roben. Water Sample No. 24174. Collected February 24, 1958 by T. R. Fitzhugh. Resample of Water Sample No. 7246. Collectors No. 6. HOLTVILLE ICE AND GOLD STORAGE COMPANY Well. IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT. 100 feet S, 50 feet W of HE corner. Block 117, City of Holtville. Elevation of ground surface, minus 15 feet. Depth, approximately 1,100 feet; not perforated 2-inch casing; discharge, 37 gpm. Strong flow. Industrial and domestic use. / Water Sample No. 7249. Collected March 29, 1933 by F. A. Cox and H. K. Roben. Water Sample No. 24175. Collected February 24, 1959 by T. R* Fitzhugh. - Resample of Water Sample No* 7249. Collectors No. 11. H. H. SMITH, New Well. IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT. 1,320 feet E of SW corner, Tr. 55, T. 15 S., R. 16 E. Depths 738 feet. Water Sanple No. 7335. Collected April 26, 1933 by F. A. Cox and H. K. Roben. Water Sample No. 24176. Collected February 25, 1958 by T. R. Fitzhugh. f • Sample from new well. Old well abandoned in 1937. Collector's No. 12. GEORGE LONG Well. IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT. 200 feet W of SE corner, SW-l/4, NW-l/l, Sec. 21^ T. 15 S., R. 15 E. Surface elevation, minus 68 feet. Depth, 643 feet; rot perforated. 2-inch casing discharge, 12 gpm. Heed for stock and for domestic purposes* a 'Water Sample No. 7336. Collected April 25, 1933 by F. A. Cox and H. K* Roben. V / - : •"¦; . ' Water Sanple No. 24177. Collected February 24, 1958 by T. R. Fitzhugh. / Resample of Water Sample No. 7336. Collector's No. 14.. EASTSIDE SCHOOL Well. IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT. SW corner Tr. 128, T. 15 S., R. 15 E. Surface elevation, minus 61 feet, depth, 315 feet not perforated, 2-inch casing. Discharge, 5 gpm. Overflow 8 feet. Domestic and school supply. * Water Sample No. 7338. Collected May 16, 1933 by F. A. Cox and H. K, Roben. v - : *;- ' "*¦¦ ;;¦ ¦ k Water Sample No? 24178. Collected February 25, 1958 by T. R. Fitzhugh Resample of Water Sample No. 7338. Location and Description, cont'd. Collector's No. 15. SHAWVER AND HARMON Well. IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT. SE corner Tr. 125, T. 15 S., R. 15 E. Surface elevation, minus 74 feet; depth, 460 feet; not perforated. 2-inch casing, discharge, 14.5 gpm. Used fcr stock and for domestic purposes. Water Sample No. 7339. Collected May 16, 1933 by F. A. Cox and H. K. Roben. Water Sample No. 24179. Collected February 25, 1958 by T. R. Fitzhugh. Resample of Water Sample No. 7339. Collector's No. 16. A. W. BARNES Well. IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT. 1,320 feet W of NE corner, Tr. 110, T. 15 3., R. 15 E. Surface elevation, minus 77 feet; depth, 399 feet not perforated. 2-inch casing. Disoharge, 5 gpm. Used for stock and for domestic purposes. Water Sample No. 7340. Collected May 17, 1933 by F. A. Cox. Water Sample No. 24180. Collected February 25, 1958 by T. R. Fitzhugh. Resample of Wator Sample No. 7340. Collector's No. 19. E. R. WORLSY Well. IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT. 300 feet N of SE corner Lot 10, Sec. 9, T. 15 S., R. 15 E. Surface elevation, minus 92 feet. Depth, 600 feet, not perforated. 2-inoh casing. Discharge, 5.5 gpm. Used for stock and for domestic purposes. Water Sample No. 7343. Collected May 17, 1933 by F. A. Cox. Water Sample No. 24181. Collected February 25, 1958 by T. R. Fitzhugh. ate-*^ Resample of Water Sample No. 7343. Collector's No. 23. D, V. BROWNELL, New Well. IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT. 600 feet E of NW corner, SW-l/4, See. 23, T. 12 S., R. 15 E. 30 feet E of old well. Log available at County Health Department. Water Sample No. 10631. Collected March 10, 1936 by F. A. Cox and E. Z. Collings. Water Sample No. 24182. Collected February 26, 1958 by T. R. Fitzhugh. Sample from new well 30 feet east of old well. 031 well abandoned. Collector's No. 24* G. C. BROWNELL Artesian Well, IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT. SE corner SE-l/4, Sec. 27, T. 12 S., R. IF 3. Depth, 4* v feet; depth to upper perforationS 410 feet I casing diameter, 2-1/2 inches. DischArge, estimated 7.0 gpm. Used for stock and for domestic purposes. ?**• :' ¦¦'¦....¦' ;J-'-,r. Water Sample No. 10632. Collected March 10, 1936 by ^. A. Cox and E. 7.* Collings. Water Sample No. 24183. Collected rt^Mtl9SZzy ?.. R. Fitthugh. Resaaple of ** or Saaple IT-. 106??. Location and Desoriotion, coat'd. Collector's Nc. 27. BOEXAT: kV:) JZSKh Artesian .'.'ell. X^TJEHIAL IP.^inATI-jR DISTRICT. >rE corner Tr. 156, Sec. 15, 7. 14 S.t R. 15 E. Surface elevation acoroximately minus 95 feet; depth, 1,165 feet i 4-inch casing, ^ischarpe, 80 (rpm. Used for domestic puroosos and for gwiaiming pool. Outlet 2 inches above -round level. Water Sarnie No. 10635. Collected March 10, 1936 by P. A.. Cox and E. :. Collings. Wator Sarnie No. 241S4. Collected February 26, 1958 by T. P. Fitzhugh. Rasansls of Water Sample No. 10635. Collector's No. 2?. VIRGINIA SHA'.Y Afctesian Well. IMPERIAL IRSIOATIIW DISTRICT. SE corner Tr. 67, T. 14 S., R. 15 E. Surface elevation, approximately minus 88 feet; depth, 357 feet; casing diameter 2-l/2 inches; discVargre, 52 ppm. Used for stock and for domestic purposes. Outlet 2 inches above ground level, outlet reduced to 1-1/2 inch pipe. Water Sample No. 10636. Collected March 10, 1936 by F. A. Cox and S. Z. Collings. Water Sample No. 24185. Collected February 26, 1958 by T. R. Fitzhugh. Resamsie of Water Sanole No. 10636. Collector's No. 30. SAM ROSEN Artesian Well. IMPERIAL TRPK-ATT'W DISTRICT. Center Tr. 90, T. 14 S.., R. 15 E. Surface elevation approximately minus 37 feetj depth, 175 foet; 2-inch casing. Discharge, 1-1/3 gpm. Used for stock ani for domestic purposes. Water Sample No. 10638. Collected March 10, 1936 by F. A. Cox and E. Z. Collings. Water Sample No. 24186. Collected February 26, 1950 by T. ?.. Fitthugh. Resamole of Water Sample No. 10638. . Methods of analysis. Methods usod for the analyses of these samples are described in detail *in U. S. Dept. of Agr. Handbook No. 60, entitled "Diagnosis and Improvement of Saline and Alkali Soils". The method numbers are given above. Analyzed by: Keyes and Hatch? r Reported by: J. T. Hatcher/cmj Reported to: Imperial Irrigation District Imperial, California (3 copies) Mr. M. J. Dowd Consulting Engineer iTTrperial Irri ration District 51 Centro, California (l copy) Puli/loux T'ni^. Table 19/56 April 11, 115B '.nalyses of sannlar; of ground water fron the II.P KIAL lP.MGATl'".r:-niSTRICT, Jn^eyi'xl, California |