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Show CALIFORNIA DEFENDANTS Exhibit No. 3508A Identification: .................... Admitted: Resolution of the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Bernardino, State of California Whereas, upon the recommendation of the Road Commissioner of this County, this Board has heretofore approved the expenditure of public funds for the construction of a public highway from the City of Needles northerly along the Colorado River to the Nevada State Line; and Whereas, a portion of the proposed route extends through lands of the Mohave Indian Reservation necessitating the acquisition of a right of way; now, therefore Be It Resolved that application be made to the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior, pursuant to Title 25, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 256, for a right of way for a public highway over, along, across and upon the following described parcel of land: A strip of land 80.00 feet wide being 40.00 feet on either side of the following described centerline. Commencing at the intersection of the West Boundary Line of the Fort Mohave Indian Reservation with the Northerly extension of the West line of Government Lot 4, Section 14, T. 10 N., R. 22 E., as shown on Government Plat of the Fractional Township 10 N., Range 22 E., S.B.B. & M., representing a survey made in March, 1941; thence North 5997.27 |
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Original book: [State of Arizona, complainant v. State of California, Palo Verde Irrigation District, Coachella Valley County Water District, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, City of Los Angeles, California, City of San Diego, California, and County of San Diego, California, defendants, United States of America, State of Nevada, State of New Mexico, State of Utah, interveners] : |