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Salt Lake City (Utah); Salt Lake County (Utah); Advertisements; Advertising--Brand name products--Utah--Salt Lake City; Business--Utah--Salt Lake City; Shopping; Prices--Utah--Salt Lake City; Henderson, Cash Grocer (Salt Lake City, Utah); Grocery trade--Utah--Salt Lake City; Dry-goods--Utah; Star Bakery (Salt Lake City, Utah); Bakers and bakeries--Utah--Salt Lake City; Bread; American Clothing Company (Salt Lake City, Utah); Clothing and dress; Clothing trade--Utah--Salt Lake City; Cullen Hotel (Salt Lake City, Utah); Hotels--Utah--Salt Lake City; Shoes; Shoe industry--Utah--Salt Lake City; Golden Eagle Restaurant; Restaurants--Utah--Salt Lake City; G. E. Wright (Salt Lake City, Utah); Drugstores--Utah--Salt Lake City; Empire Steam Laundry (Salt Lake City, Utah); Laundry industry--Utah; Yokahoma Tea Company (Salt Lake City, Utah); Tea; Coffee industry--Utah--Salt Lake City; Durst Grocery Company (Salt Lake City, Utah); Baking powder; Hewlett Brothers (Salt Lake City, Utah); Manitou Turkish Baths (Salt Lake City, Utah); Baths, Turkish--Utah; Massage--Utah; Lion Drug Store (Salt Lake City, Utah); Drugstores--Utah--Salt Lake City; Medicine; Victor's Catarrh Cure; Catarrh; Palace Meat Market (Salt Lake City, Utah); Stores, Retail--Utah--Salt Lake City; Meat industry and trade--Utah--Salt Lake City; Fidelity Mutual Aid Association (Salt Lake City, Utah); Insurance; Insurance companies--Utah--Salt Lake City |
OCR Text |
Show THE CHURCH REVIEW. <br><br> You are pretty <br> Sure to want groceries. Most people do, and like most people you want to buy them as cheaply as possible <br> OUR CASH-WITH-THE-ORDER SYSTEM <br> Enables us to sell on a closer margin than any competitor that deals in book accounts. This statement needs no arguments to poye its truthfulness. Our previous cut price list is still in force, and has proved a veritable bonanza to the public, judging from our increased sales, many having taken advantage of our unheard-of-prices. <br> The prices we are quoting on canned goods and sugars are the lowest ever known in this market and are liable to advance any day. Get your orders in early. <br> W. S. HENDERSON'S <br> 267-269 Main Street, <br> SALT LAKE CITY. <br><br> The Star Bakery, Is the best place in the city to get your Bread, Cakes, Pies and Pastry, everything else first class and fresh in our line. 239 SOUTH MAIN <br><br> GRAND REMOVAL SALE <br> Is now on at the <br> AMERICAN CLOTHING Co. <br> E.J. WOLTER, Prop., 25 W. 2nd So. one Door East of Cullen Hotel. <br> This is no humbug, but come and be convinced. Prior to moving we will sell all goods in the store, at <br> Actual Cost or Below. <br> And as our storeroom will not be as large as the present one, we have decided to close our entire stock of boots and shoes at a great sacrifice and quit selling shoes. Remember the place, 25 West Second South street, one door east of Cullen Hotel. <br><br> Golden Eagle Restaurant. <br> Breakfast, Dinner or Supper Ten cents. <br> LADIES' TABLES, <br> COMMUTATION TICKETS, <br> SHORT ORDERS. <br> Fish 10c; beef steak with vegetables, 10c; Mutton chops 10c; Pork chops 10c; Veal cutlets 10c; ham and eggs 20c, Each includes coffee, tea or milk. <br> 53 West First South, Salt Lake. <br> MRS. FLORA HOPKINS, Prop. <br><br> Fill Your Prescriptions <br> And buy your Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Perfumes, and everything else carried in a first class drug store at <br> G. E. Wright's, <br> Cor. 5th East and 3d So. <br><br> For Fine Work <br> Patronize the <br> Empire Steam Laundry <br> Tel. 94. 21 Commercial St. <br><br> Best imported teas and coffee also bamboo factory. Yokahoma Tea Co., 69 W. 1st So. <br><br> The wise housekeeper will read the Durst Grocery Co.'s, statement on page [18]. <br><br> Gold medal awarded Hewlett Bros. 3 Crown Baking powder at Territorial Fair. <br><br> THe Manitou Turkish Baths. <br> For Ladies and Gentleman. Ladies hours, 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. except Sunday. Also ladies hair dressing parlors open same hours. Mrs. Mary Stjernstrom, masseuse. Graduate from the college of royal surgeons, Stockholm, Sweden. Hours, 10 a. m. to 6 p. m. 127 East Third So. <br><br> CATARRH! CATARRH! <br> Its pain I cannot endure. You need not, my friend, If you use Victor's Catarrh Cure. For sale at Lion Drug Store, 40 E. Second South street. <br><br> Gold medal Awarded Hewletts "3 Crown," Baking Powder. <br><br> Salt Lake housewives are known for their good sense and judgment in husbanding their means and getting the most for their money. They generally acknowledge that there is no other place in the city where they can get as much for their money as at the Palace Meat Market, 265 S. Main. If you haven't seen it yet, it will pay you to call. <br><br> RUPTURE CURED, NO KNIFE. NO OPERATION. For circulars or information call upon or address. RUPTURE SPECIALIST, Room 207 Constitution Building, Salt Lake, Ut. <br><br> Health and Accident Insurance. <br> Fidelity Mutual Aid Association, <br> Of San Francisco, Cal. <br> FOR FIVE CENTS PER DAY. <br> Will pay, according to the hazard of occupation, from $8.00 to $25.00 a week, when unable to work t[h]rough being hurt accidentally. <br> Will pay, if you are accidentally ailled, $208.00 to $6.50.00. <br> Will pay $10.00 per week when you are sick and unable to work. <br> Will pay $100.00 for funeral expenses. <br> Will pay, if you lose a hand and a foot or both feet or both hands $138.00 to $434.00. <br> Absolute protection to the members upon paying $5.00 life membership fee and ones of $1.50 per month. <br> LIFE INSURANCE. <br> Also issues policies of Life Insurance, paying from $1,000 to $5,000 in case of death, and 20,000 per $1,000 per month for accident and sickness; also a 15 year paid up policy, paying $2000 at death or $1000 at end of 15 years; $40,000 per month for accide[n]t or sickness. <br> IF INSURED. <br> you cannot lose all your income when you are sick or disabled by accident. <br> The Fidelity Mutual Aid Association is pre-eminently the Largest and Strongest Accident and Health Association in the United States. <br> It has required cash deposits with the States of California and Missouri, which together with an ample Reserve Fund and large assets, makes its certificates an absolute guarantee of the solidity of its protection to its members. <br> Reliable Agents wanted. Write[.]<br><br> |
Further Information |
This page has advertisements for Salt Lake City, Utah, of Henderson's Grocery Company, The Star Bakery, American Clothing Company, Golden Eagle Restaurant, G. E. Wright's Drugstore, Empire Steam Laundry Company, Yokahoma Tea Company, Durst Grocery Company, Hewlett Brother's 3 Crown Baking Powder, Manitou Turkish Baths, Victor's Catarrh Cure at the Lion Drug Store, Palace Meat Market, a rupture specialist, and lastly the Fidelity Mutual Aid Association, an insurance company. 3 Crown Baking Powder |