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Show THE CHURCH REVIEW. <br><br> PROGRAM. <br> Fourth Epworth League Convention of Utah, to be held at Iliff M. E. church, Salt Lake City, Tuesday and Wednesday, June 18th and 19th. <br> TUESDAY. <br> 8:00 p. m.-Social. <br> 8:30 p. m.-Song service, led by Iliff Epworth Choir. <br> 9:00 p. m.-"Mission of the League in Utah," J. L. Loar, Ogden. <br> Music, First church male quartette. <br> 9:20 p. m.-"Modern Methods," T. R. Eaton, First church. <br> 9:35 p. m.-Solo, Mrs. Anna Colburn, Plummer. <br> Doxology. <br> WEDNESDAY MORNING. <br> Sunrise prayer meeting, led by Rev. Samuel Hooper. <br> 8:30 a. m.-Devotional exercises, led by Rev. Geo. E. Jayne. <br> 9:00 a. m.-Miscellaneous business, (appoint four committees) <br> 9:15 a. m.-Reports from field by Presidents of Epworth Leagues and Superintendents of Junior Leagues, (limited to two minutes) <br> 8:45 a. m.-"League Work without the League." Rev. A. W. Hartshorn, Miss Della Murphy, Rev. F. J. Bradley, Rev. W. J. Richards, (limited to two minutes each.) <br> 10:10 a. m.-"My Obligation as a Delegate to the Convention," Miss Stella Brown, Provo. <br> 10:20 a. m.-"My Obligation to the Home Chapter," Miss Nora Omenn, Mt. Pleasant. <br> 10:30 a. m.-"The Love of Christ the Life of the League," Mrs. Eddy, Logan. <br> 10:40 a. m.-"How Entertain for Christ" Miss Alice Kellogg, Provo. <br> 10:50 a. m.-"How visit for Christ," Miss Edith Smith, Deaconess. <br> 11:00 a. m.-"How Read and Study for Christ," Mrs. Jennie Burner, Liberty Park. <br> 11:10 a. m.-"How Speak, Sing and Pray for Christ," Mrs. Banker Murray. <br> 11:20 a. m.-General Discussion, led by Rev. G. W. Rich, Park City. <br> 11:40 a. m.-"How Vary Our Devotional Meetings," Rev. G. M. Jeffrey, D. D. Ogden. <br> 11:50 a. m.-Discussion, led by Rev. Joseph Wilkes, Provo. <br> 12:00 p. m.-Adjournment. <br> WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. <br> 2:00 p. m.-Prayer and praise service Rev. T. J. Hooper. <br> 2:15 p. m.-Ideal Cabinet Meeting, by cabinet of First Church Salt Lake (actual meeting.) <br> 2:35 p. m.-"Our Mission to the Needy." Miss Blanch K. Perry, Park City. <br> 2:45 p. m.-"How interest Apostate Mormons and Gentile Skeptics," Rev. Charles McCoard. <br> 2:55 p. m.-Discussion led by T. J. Hooper. <br> 3:05 p. m.-General business. <br> JUNIOR LEAGUE. <br> 3:25 p. m.-(a) "How to get the Children to attend," Mrs. Jeffrey, Ogden. <br> (b) "Methods to Maintain the Interest," Mrs. C. M. Wood, Iliff church. <br> (c) "What to Teach and How to Teach It." Miss Fanny Manning, First church. <br> (d) "How [Lead] them to Christ," Mrs. Murphy, Payson. <br> 3:45 p. m.-Recess. <br> 4:00 p. m.-Junior Mass Meeting. Drill of Epworth Guards. <br> 4:10 p. m.-Reports from Presidents of Junior Leagues, (limited to two minutes each.) <br> 4:30 p. m.-Songs and Exercises by individual Leagues. <br> 4:55 p. m.-Presentation of Banner to League which has, 1st-The largest percent, of attendance at the Convention. 2nd-Did the best work during the year; 3d-Acquits itself best at Convention. Judges to be chosen by competing Leagues. <br> 5:00 p. m.-Closing song by Juniors. <br> Adjournment. <br> 8:00 p. m.-Song service, led by Epworth Choir, Prayer, Rev. Joseph Wilkes. <br> 8:15-Address, Bishop Foss. <br> 9:00 p. m.-Love Feast and Consecration service, Dr. Iliff. <br><br> Ye Busy Housewives <br> WE NEVER SLEEP <br> THE C. B. DURST GROCERY CO. <br> 74 EAST 2ND S. ST. SALT LAKE CITY. <br> Now is the time to order your preserving Berries and Fruits, and we are prepared to fill them. Don't wait for some more convenient time or until the crop is in decline. Remember the best is the cheapest and we have the best always and prices down <br> C. B. DURST GROCERY COMPANY, <br><br> American Biscuit and Mf'g. Co. <br> Manufacturers of the Celebrated Silver Brand of Fine Crackers. Silver-Flake and Snow-Flake Soda our specialty. Ask your Grocer for them. <br> P.O. Box 1335, HENRY WALLACE, Mgr. <br><br> Salt Lake Silk Factory! <br> JOHN LYLE, Proprietor. <br> 72 East Third South st., Salt Lake City <br> SILK Handkerchiefs & Dress Goods in various colors wholesale and Gent's Neckwear in Variety. <br><br> Utah Title Insurance and Trust Company. <br> Salt Lake City. <br> 5 percent paid on Deposits. Insure Titles. Make Abstracts. Loans Money. <br> J. E. DOOLY, President <br> W. S. McCORNICK, Vice President <br> A. L. THOMAS, Secretary. <br><br> Fill Your Prescriptions <br> And buy your Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Perfumes, and everything else carried in a first class drug store at <br> G. E. Wright's, Cor. 5th East and 3d So. <br><br> Wasatch - Hotel, <br> (Under New Management.) <br> COR 2d SOUTH & MAIN <br> Steam Heat, Electric Light. <br>Elevator Day and Night. <br> Everything First Class. <br> Prices to suit the times. <br> Mrs. M. F. VanGilder, Proprietor. <br> Office Room 48 <br><br> Stinger's Bakery <br> Received First Prize in bread at the Territorial Fair. Try his Cream Bread. <br> LEAVE ORDERS AT 472 E. 2ND So. <br><br> |
People |
Brown, Stella; Burner, Jennie; Hooper, Samuel; Jayne, George E., 1845-1924; Jeffrey, George M.; Kellogg, Alice; Lyle, John; Manning, Fanny; McCoard, Charles, 1863-?; Murphy, Della; Omenn, Nora; Perry, Blanch K.; Plummer, Anna Colburn; Rich, George Wilson, 1842-?; Smith, Edith T.; Wallace, Henry; Wilkes, Joseph; Banker (Mrs.); Bradley, F. J. (Rev.); Dooly, J. E.; Eaton, T. R.; Eddy (Mrs.); Foss (Bishop); Hartshorn, A. W. (Rev.); Hooper, T. J. (Rev.); Iliff (Dr.); Jeffrey (Mrs.); Loar, J. L.; McCornick, W. S.; Murphy (Mrs.); Richards, W. J. (Rev.); Thomas, A. L.; VanGilder, M. F. (Mrs.); Wood, C. M. (Mrs.) |