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Show 156 APPENDIX. The wing has precisely the same structure as in Glareola, and some of the plovers. The tail is more lengthened than among the plovers, but not more so than in Glareola praticola, which species has, however, the tail forked, but some of the same genus, as the last named bird, although it is not so long in them, have it in the same shape as in Tinochorus,- as Glarecola Australis. The structure of the digestive organs is altogether that of a gallinaceous bird ; the skeleton, however, agrees scarcely in any particular with that orde~, approaching closely to that of the waders. The sternum differs from any gallinaceous bird with which I am acquainted, in wanting entirely the strong lateral process, and in the fissures on the posterior margin being much smaller; the nearest approach in form which I have been able to find, is that of Macltetes, from which, if it were not for the superior size of the latter, it could scarcely be distinguished. The pelvis agrees so perfectly with that of Strepsilas interpres, and the Cl,aradriidce in general, as not to require farther remark. The remainder of the skeleton resembles both the plovers and sandpipers. I much regret that I have never had an opportunity of dissecting a specimen of Glareola, to which the genus, Tinoclwrus, appears closely allied, and I believe that they will form a connecting link between the orders Grallatores and Razo1·es. INDEX TO THE SPECIES. Ada Oommersoni Agelaius chopi --- fringillarius --- c!trysoptenu --- 'Direscena Aglaia striata ---vittnta Agriornis ·----gutturalis ----striatus --~- micropterus ----maritimus A!Jriornis leucurus Alaudinoo Alau.da cunicularia ---nigra ---rufa. ---ful'Da Albatuitui d C()llier noir Alcedo to1·quata ---Americana ---Seneoalensis Aleoturus guirayetupa Alouette noire a dosfa"ve . --- a doa rouge . A mbl!Jramphus bicolor ruber Ammodra.mus Manimbe ------a:antltornus -----longicaudatus Ana, Antarctica -- brach!Jptero -- erytltrorh!Jnclta . -- crecC()zdes N.B. The Synonyms are in Italics. Page 51 Anas Magellanica 107 -- uropltaaianus 106 -- Bahamen«u 106 Ansor meianopterus 107 Anthus fnrcatus 9'7 ---Chii 98 --julvus 55 ---variegatu1 56 --- correndera 56 Anumbi rouoe 57 Anumbius rubor 57 Aquila pezopora 57 ---me9aloptera 87 Ardea.leuce 65 ---E9retta 84 ---IIerodi~s 84 ---n!Jcticora:c 84 ---violacea . 127 ---callocepltala 42 Athone cuniculo.ria 42 Attagis Gayii • 41 ---Falklandica. 51 Beca,sine, 1 • Eapece 84 Bee d'argent 84 Bernicla leucoptera 109 --- antarctica 109 Buteo tricolor 90 -- varius 90 -- ventralis 90 -- erythronotus 134 Butooninoo . 136 Cactornis a.ssimilis 135 --- scan dens • 135 Oaille des Isles Malouin.u y Page • 134 . 13Q 135 134 85 85 84. 84 85 80 80 13 21 128 128 . 128 . 128 128 128 31 117 II7 131 51 134 134 26 26 26 26 22 105 104 • 117 |