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Show [ 7 ] Empire 3 who deftroying rnoft of the antient Roman Buildings introduced their own oonfus'd Architecture, which, with very little Knowldge in Geometry, prevailed in the World the 15th and 16th Centuries, when the Auguftan Stile began to revive in Italy by the Endeavours of §ra- . mante, %£arbare,, Michael Angelo, Raphael Urttn, Sca-mozzi, Vignola, and other Architects, more efpecially the J great \Palladio, who has been juftly rivaPd in England^ • by our famous Matter Mafon hiigo 'Jones.. The Gothic Architecture was much encouraged in Engl land, even in the Time of the Heptarchy $ at which \ Time, Charles Marttl, King of France,. feht over feveral j expert Architects and Craftfmen at the Requeft of the : Saxon Kings, But for tke further Instruction of new ad-' mittcd Brethren, a certain Record of F R E E M A S O N S, written in the* Reign of King Edward the'IV. gives the following Account, viz. " That tho' the antient Records of the Brotherhood in V England, were many of them deftroyed or loft in the ; >Yars of the Saxons and Danes, yet King Athelftan, ? the Grandfon of King Alfred the Great, a mighty Ar- '< chitectj the ift anointed King of England, and who 44 tranttated the Holy Eible into the Saxon Tongue, when w he had brought the Land into Reft and Peace,, built i many great Works, and encouraged many Mafons from " Frame, who were appointed Overfeers thereof, and^ 4 brought with them the Charges and Regulations of the |*'Lodges preferv'd fince the Roman Times, who alfo prevailed with the King to improve the Conftitution of the ,( Engliflj Lodges according to the foreign Model, and to " mcreafe the Wages of working Mafons. u That the faid King's youngeft Son, Prince Elwin% 4 being taught • M A S O N R Y , and taking upon him the 4 Charges of a Mafter Mafon, for the Love he had to the 44 faid Craft, and the honourable Principles whereon it is £ grounded, purchafed a free Charter of King Athelflan " his Father 5 for the Mafons having a Correction amorigft • them to- _ |